the feeling is all there is

the vibration is all there is
and all of life reflects it all of life
is it all of life is the feeling i feel

teh divi

the divine presence i am and that is why i do this wrk that
that is why i do this work the

practicing the feeling of it all the feeling of it all and i love that
i know this i know the truth and i get to live by it i know the truth and
i get to live by it and i love that i know this

i love that i know the feeling i love that
the vibration always works i love that i know tis ‘


always there

i love that i know the feeling and that the feeling is
always right here with me

so grateful to cach

catch a wind to feel teh energy of life
flow through me so

grateful to feel good to feel the flow
the flow l

flowing through me o
so grateful to feel the vibration
to ee

feel the vortex to know the
vortex is a feeling to know that all of life
is the feeling
to choose knkowing
to choose to amkl

milk the feeling because that’s all i an

can do
that’s all i can do is milk the feeling i love that i know
that’s all i can do i love

i can just be grateful for the feeling
know its a good sign know is god
know that the divine prse

presence i am

the divine presence i am
is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am is the source
and substance of all my good the
source and the substance of all my good
the sour

i know that the feeling is all there
is and i can relax in the feeling knowing that god is
always guiding me i know that
god is alawys guid

always guiding

so grateful for the feeling to get to
chooe the f

choose the feeling of knowing
to trust and follow the feeling knowing
that is all i can dthat

that is how i live

that is how to live fully

always trust the feeling
always trust the flow and the
feeling i love that

the feeling of teh flow
flowing through me

i love the knowing of the vibration
i love that i
get to choose

get to choose to milk the feeling t
get to choose the feeling only get to

latch on to the feeling and nothing else
remember the feeling of


to think about what i didn’t want
and only creating teh vers

the version i do wnat the
i do wnat the version

i get to feel the feeling of
relief right now i get to feel the

feeling right now
i can feel the magick of life right now
i love that i

get to feel the magick o flife
of life right now i love that

i get to feel the magick of life right now
the feeling of life right now
the vibration of life

right no the truth
the truth of life the feeling
so grateful fort he feeling becase

becuase that’s a good reflect!!

so grateful to remember the feeling
to remember the feeling to fel the

feel the feeling to feel the feeling of love

to send the feeling of love so grateful i get to choose it

so grateful i get to choose

it so gratful i get to choose to feel good to feel the flow to feel the flow
the flow flowing the

enery in this here and now thss here and now

to milk the feeling to know that the feeling is all there is and life

ahs no

no choice life doesn’t get to choose
just reflects the energy

that’s all there is and i know that

i know ths i know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me i know itls

only ever me i know that it can only
reflect me i love that i get to feel it
get to release it get to allow it to come to me
to let go

of everything and just feel the feeling
just trust the feeling trust the intuition
trust this work i trust

this work i trust this work i trust
teh god se

self the god feeling i trust the magick
the power of me

i kow that my only work

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in letting go
andl etting
god appear as the abundant all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i love that i know this and
get to tap into my energy i love that all of life
is flowing to and through me i love hta
ti can

i can feel it i can feel the energy rising and i know
i can feelt he feeling of knowing the truth

that life has no choice
the energy of life dosn’t

doesn’t choose it only reflects

it only prints our what

what you give i know this i know thia

this i know that life
can only reflect me i know that life can
only refllect me

so grateful for this moment
to do this work to sit
on my computer and tune myself

so grateful for the knowledget hat
the tuning is all there is

so grateful the better it gets

so grateful

the better it gets so grateful i know that

this that i get to feel it so
gratefl i get to know this
i get to feel it i get to know it

so grateful i get to know it

thank you thank you
for this moment for this feeling fo h

this knowing

for my teeth being clean!!!!

so grateful for that so
gratefu to b

to be able to afford that
so grateful i get to choose i
get to choose i
get to choose so grateful i get to choose

i get to choose the feeling the feeling of the flow
ig et to choose that
feeling and life always reflects it

and i can jusst let

just let go and allow