the focus

the focus works this work works
making the time to feel for the one and
only truth always works it alwys work s

i am here i am because

i want to rememer the truth
the truth is imporatnt to me feeling good in important
to me enjyling li

is important to me enjoyhing life is important to me
loving is imporatnt to me
feeling good is imporatnta
to me feel
feleign good is importatnt to me

its neve them its me its me
its me its what i

look for its always what i look for
its always what i look for its wal

its never outsdie of me
the feeling iwant is never outside
of me its alway right here its in

my favor because it help sme f
brign the focus backt ome thank you becaue now i can focus on me
and this work works so fast so
esliy just say

why im here why am i
i here its to feel good its to enjoy life
wh;y im a
i here its to feel good to enjoy life
tis to feel good to nejoy life

tis to feel good
to enjoy life its to feel good to enjouu life

the focus always works the focus always works

i’m here because i care aobut how