The focus is all that matters

I know where i put my focus
is all that matters and today i intend to focus
on my vortex

i know when i focus on when i don’t
want that it manifests into
something i don’t want i know when i look
at what i don’t want it make more of what i don’t want i know

today i can choose to feel good
and look for what i want to see today i am
looking for what i want to see i
am looking for what i want to see more of and i’m
not going to let anything distract me
away from my vortex

i don’t have to care i
don’t have to care i don’t have to care

its not worth caring i know its not
suffering about

so i decide to turn my focus to
what i do wnat to
feeling good and celebrating life
i know that’s my choice

and i make the choice i love
that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good

i get to feel good and today i make the choice
to look for what i wnat to see i know that’s
all thatmatters and i know its my choice

to turn away from what i don’t want more
of i know i am the creator and its my choice
to create what i want to see i get
to create what i want to see and i get to
feel good now i love
that i can just let it go i love that
i don’ thavet o care i love

i am conscious of te inner
the inner presence as my lavish abundance
i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled witht he
light of truth

therefore my consciousness is
filled wit the light of truth

i know i get to make the choice
and the ocntrast
contrast helps me i know i get to
make the choice and the contrast helps me

i get to look for what
i want to see i get to look for what i want
to see and i know that part is easy i
get to look for

i can let it go and choose the vortex
and i know that’s all that matters i get to look
for what i want to see i get to look for
what i want to see i know

everything is vibrational and

everything is an indicator of a vibration
i love that
everything already worked out for mei love
that i get to look for what i want
to see i love that its
easy to focus on the versoin i p

i prefer i know all that matters
is focus and where i place it i love that i
get to feel good about myself
in this right now i love

that it just doesn’t matter i love that
i don’t havet o care i love that i
don’t have to care i love
that i don’t have to care

i love that i can let it go
for my health

for my own health i intend
to let that thought pattern go

for my own health

not for any other reason than
i really don’t have to care

i really don’t have to care
so i let that go i let that
go i love that i’ve moved on i love
that i’ve let that go and i don’t have
to let it affect how i feel i love

that i don’t havet o care i love
that i decided not to care

for my health i love
that i don’t have to care i love
that i don’t care i love
that i g

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i get to choose my vortex an that’

and that’s all that matters
i love tha ti am aware i love
that i would rather feel good
than care

i love that life is good for me
i love that i get to choose not to
be butr hurt

i am grateful i’m not butt hurt
i’m grateful i love that i get to choose
i love tat i

i get to feel empowered about who i am
i love that i et to get to allow i love
that i am allowing the version i prefer
i love that i have the power to
create the version i prefre and

ignore the rest i love
that i have the power ot look for what
i want to see i love
tha tlife is working out for me i love tha ltife
is working out perfect for me

i love that life is good

i love client work!!
i love biking i love that we did it
i love snacks i love nashville

i love the flow i love the flow

i love the flow the feeling the feeling
the feeling i love the flow the feeling

i love doing the work i love
looking for what i want to see i love
that this work is my medicine

i am conscious of the inner presence
as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity
therefore my consciousness is filled
with the light of truth

i love doing the work i love that it
always comes i love that it always comes i love
that i get to choose whati look at

i get to choose how i feel and
its easy to let it go its easy to let
go of resistnace

i love releasing resistance i love
that its easy i love that i get to
make the choie i love

i love when i get to make
the choice i love

when i get to make the choice i love
when i get to make the choice
i love tha ti get to feel good i love that
i’ve let that go i love that
i’ve let that go i love

that i’ve let that go and i don’t have to care
i let that go

for my health