the choice is mine the focus envigorates me
the choice
enlivens me the work is gw
who i am the god sllf si
is who i am annd i know its tup to me to realx and allowl if tof low through
the feeling is all there is the i
knwoig is all there is the choice
is all
there is the choice si
is all there is the focus is all there is the god
the world is mine the world is mind
the world is mine the wrold is mine i am
god and its
the nly work is o remember that to
rememer toallow life
to unfold the only work is
to allow life to unfold
the world is mine the feeling of min
is mine the feeling is mine the focus focus
is life focus is life and i knowt his i knko
i know that focus is life i now that
focus is lie i know that
the choice is mine
what i focus on me i
its the devotion its the devotion
to its the devotion to
its me im the focus its me i
im the source of wany feeling its teh devotion
that feels good its the devotion to god
that feels good its the coice
over chan
and over and life cnst dent
that its teh choie ofver over and over
and live
life cant denty that i love that i kn
i love that i now that life
can’t say not to me
no to me how i see it is how it is and
i nkow this the
the focus fills me up the focus
makes me alive the focus brings life throgh me i now that
life is always flowing through me i now that i amke life
life and life can’t sy no to me i love that
i know taht
life cant say not to me
i know that life cant say not to e
i nkwo that life
cant say not to
to me
i now that life cants say nt
no to me and that i get tochoose how if eel i nwo that life
i knwo the focus of me i now the focus on
of god i knwo the e
feeling of me i now the work the one a
the only work the only feeling
is being wre
of what ia m
am i aware
am i aware and i knowt hat’s the only work i nt he onl;y work
i kow ic an let it unfold perfectly k now i know
life can’t say not to me to me and i know this
life can’t say not to me and i know this
i knwo that life
i know thatl ife i now that life can’t say no to me i kow that life
cannot say not to me i lovee ht that i knwo i love
taht i nwo i love that
i know i love
the focus is mine the choice is mine and i nkow i recognized the truthi know
the feeling of the truth i know the feeling of the truth i now t
the feeling of the truthi know the feeling
of the truth floing throughme
i know th
i no
i know life is mychoice i nkow its up to me
what i see what i feel what i attract
i know its ut
up to me
this is all there is
awareness is all there is
am i aware
am i aware
i know i nko its never them th
its neve them and it
it doesn’tm atter
the thing
i seek is
the thing
i seek is myself my
god self is the only thing
that’s why i d
otn need tht
im seeking that becuase i
i’m assosciating it wth the
flo ith feeling the flow
with feeling
love but i the soruce im the source
of loe its upt o to tme
to deicd
theis moment and awareness of what it
me i nkow the focus of me i know the sour e
sourcce of life i knwo the sourcce of life
i knwo the sourcce of life
i knwo the sourcce of life
its never them its never them its
alwys me i am the one and only
creator and no one else is creating
form e
i and when i am in my powre i feel good i know
i am with god because i
dont need tan
anything else and the only
thign i ever need to d is lookk for god
and god isalwway
always right here with me
that is the onlt hign
i need and the more i praccti
practice finding i
it the easier it is to find
i know there’s no rushi know that
everything is unfolding perfectly
i know the power of me i never
have to woner about the power of me i nkow that life
can never say no to me i know that
that life loves me life so
adores me life never says no to me
no matter what i imagine life gives me an di
i know this and i have to take resonsibility
i have to take responsibility
for what i look for i knwo that it alreayd is
and i get to feel it i knwo that i
already is and i can feel it i kno that
it already is
i now that ital
already is i nkow that
it already is it alraedy is i get to feel
it now
because its me i dont need
it outside of me
becuse it
its me i am awre if eel the feeling
and it is b
of course beause it already is
and i forget to
sometimes butt he truth is never far away
and its lways
here waiting for me
to jump in and experience