the focus work

the feeling work always work sjust

just take my own advice and i love that there’s so much
i can do to feel good
there’s so much i can do to feel good

so grateful to be here now
so grateful for this beautiful night
so grateful i get to feel good now i
get to feel good now i get to feel the
feeling right now
i get to feel good nw i get to

get on the bus! and og
go for the ride i get to have fun
i get to enjoy i get to allow
i get to allow the fun of life
to flow through me
i get to allow the fun of life!!

i love that life
that life is fun i love that i life is fun i love that
i get to i love that
i get to i love that i know

i get the

i love that i know the feeling
i know my personal power i know how to
sieze my pwer


my personal power i love hat
that i know i love that i get t
i feel good now i love that i get to
ti love
i love that i get to that i get to

make the choicet o feel
to feel good now

i know how i feel is all that matters
i know how

how i feel is all that matters
is all that matters is all that matters
i know

that how i feel is all that matters
that matters that matters

that matters

the feeling and i can allow it in any moment just by saying yes i love that i cana lways just

say yes to waht is i know i love that i know the
feeling that i can always find the feeling i can

always find the feeling i can

always align

this work the focus works4a
always works i am in the feeling work i am

the feeling work i am deep in the feeling work and
i’m proud of myself for doing the things
that make me feel good

doing what i had to
to feel better to feel good
for me to be awrae of

it and feel good find a way to feel
good no matter what i can always find a way to feel
good i can always find a way to feel good i can

always find a way to feel good to release the tension

to release the resistance
to feel the feeling of god
to feel the
feeling of love

flowing through me
i can

always chosoe to feel good
i can al

always chosoe toa llow it
and it comes
so grateful to feel good so

grateful to feel good so
grateful to feel good

to feel the feeling of god

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing tis ture
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility not mind

my only responsibility is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting god appear

as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affars

i love that i get to that
i cana lways let go
i can let go and let god and that

is my power i ahve the pwer to

let go and let god i love that i get to i love
that i know my power i love that i know the power of me the

the feeling of me the feeling of

i know the feeling of god i know the feeling of god
i know that feeling of god i know

the feeling of god and i love that i get to choose it i love that
i can jsut allow life i can allow life
to happen i can just allow it to be whatever it wants

i love that i know this i loe th
that i know this i love that i know this
that i get to choose i get to choose
how i feel and i get to celebrate life right now


i love that ig et to celebrate life right now i love that i know
life is good i love that i know god is good i love that i know

its good!!

its fun!!!

i love that i get to choose fun
i love that i get to choose
god i love that


chooses me
i love that i know this
i love that nothign matters
and its all just

a straight line that i can

align with this straight line anyt ime
i love that i get to i love
that i get to co

i love that i get to

i know its all the god self its all a feeling its all

the god self its all the feeling its all
the god self its all

the feeling i love that i get to i love that
i get to i love that i get to feel it
i love that i get to feel the magick of life flowing through me

that i can always come back tot eh t

to the truth to let of
go of all the thoughts and come back to the truth

i know that its all about the connection to source
all about the connection to i know ths i know t
this i know this

i know this i can choose the feeling any time
i can choose teh
feeling any time i choose i

it i cultivate it ichoose it in my life
i love that i get to feel good that i can
do it i that

that i can feel good no matter hat
and refuse to feel bad i love that i know tis a

its all up to mup t the
up to the eneryg


the essence is at ease and that’s all that matters

put the essence at
ease and allow the rest to all

fall into place
put the essence at ease

and allow the rest

to fall into place