the only pain comes from believing i am separate

i know it’s all me
it all reflects me
it can’t not reflect me
and i now if i ever feel


i can always make the choice
to come back to center

just make the choice and i am there
just make the choice and
i am

reunited with source

just like that i am already reunited
just like that

and i know the only thing i ever
seek is that connection and the only
pain or

frustration comes from not having
that connection because when i am connected i

fly high

i love that i know this i love
feeling the connection to spirit
and knowing

without a doubt

that every signel
single thing is this world is me

i feel the oneness i feel complete
and i get out of the way and let

god do
it’s job i get out of the way
and allow god to do it’s job

i do the work of connected with the source within
me and allow the source to do the work i kow that
i know that i am not separate and i have super powers

today i intend to use my super powers
today i take the big leap into

so grateful for this day
so grateful for how far we’ve come
so grateful to feel uplifted to know that life
is good to feel relieved
in my life

so grateful i got all my work done!!!!

so grateful life is good
and it flowed through me and did the work
for me when it was time

so grateful to do this work
the only work

i just get out of the way
and watch the magick of life flow through me

i know that i am everything and
everything is me and that life
only reflects me
i know thatl ife only
reflects me i know that

all of of life is me and i can relax in this knowledge

i love this day
i love celebratign this

celebrating this day no matter what!!!

i love that i get to feel good i love that
ti’s a

it’s a good day i love that i
love myself i love that
i get to love myself
and feel good i love that i nkow life

i know life loves me i know that
i am not separate from god i know that i am
god and today i use my

supernatural powers

today i tap into all that is
good in life today i love

today i love everything today i amek t


today i am god!!

today i am god
today i am god and i
relax in that knowledge i now
i have god with me
at all times
so i don’t ever have to care
about what happens

or even wonder

i never have to wonder i can just jump into the here and now

i love feeling good and having

i love who i am li ilove
i love loving this
life i love a good staycation with
the wife i love

that i get to have fun
and celebrate life

i love that i get to celebrate life!!!

take the big leap into life
and prepare myself for the
changes iw ant t

i want to see

i know it’s all me i nkow it’s
i know it’s
all me and i choose
peace i choose

and the rest follows and i know that
i know god is alawys on my side

helping me

i know i am goad i know i

i know i am all tings

i know i am all things
i know i am all things
and things


according to my inner world
i love that i know this
i know this
i know that i can change my thoughts
and my life

i know my super powers
i know my super
powers i know my super powers
and i know

life is always on my side
i know there is no separate

and if i feel separate

i can always make the choice
to return to center

i can always

make the choice to
return to center

today i am flying high!!!

today my heart sings!!!

today my heart sings today i am
love today i love today i feel good today

i love feeling good about myself!!!

i love loving myself and my life!!

i love celebrating life right now
just for the sake of celebrating life
i know

that there isn’t anything th


i know that it’s all just for fun!!!

i love having fun in my life
i love that i know
i know it’s all about life

love and i am happy
i am able
to look at all tings wi

things with love
i love who i am i ilove

i ilove

i love where i am i love the life
i made for myself i love

where i am right now!!!!

i love where i am right now!!

i love feeling good feeling the flow
feeling the flow feeling the floe

i love feeling good i love


wher ei am right now i love tha
t i know
i know i am god i lov
feeling the magick life
flow through me
i love

allowing the magick life

to flow through me

today i feel the magick flowing through me!!!

today i feel the god self sloi

flowing through me
today i know iam god
i know i am god
and i am

brave enough to act like it
today i feel t

god’s magick flowing thorugh me

through me
i tune into the magick annd

and i see it
i feel at ease in the magick

knowing that
god is always flowing through me

to the current space within

today i celebrate the magick of life!!!

knowing that

i used to want
what i currently have!!

and it always
always always comes

i love knowing that i am
god i love knowing my

super powers and focusing on them
i love that

i know my super power is love

my super power is not thinking
my super power is not cring


my super power is getting out of the way

i love that i nkow the power
of me i love that i know

the magick power of me
an today

and today i celebrate this knowing!!!