the only thing i can ever do is go within

to solution is only ever in the silence the solution is only
ever in the silence the solution is in the silence
the solution is only ever in the silence i feel for the feeling of
god i feel for the feelingof god i eel for
i feel for the feeling of god if eel for the feelng of god

yes im disappoionted in myself for slipping
but i had a reason i had a reason
i had a legitimate reason
and no one cares aboutt that no one cares about ow how im treated
im supposed to just eat it

i never have to care i never have to care i never have to care i never

its never ever them its me it it sme
its me it n
its never them its never them its me

its always me its alays me and i can always

its alays me its never them its me
its me its how i see my worls is always how i se
my world its always how i see my worlds

its always how i see my worls

its only ever me its the worlds i
create its the world i create a
dn i love that i dont have to care i love that
i don thave to care
i can just drop it a

and eventually it will rop
drop on its own

i dont need thoughts all i need is
silence all i need is silence all the answers are
in the silnece all the answers are in

awareness all the answeres are in awareness
all the answers are in awareness

i dont need thoughts
misery is in the mind i know this i knwo ti i know its me
i accept everything

nothing is good
nothing is bad

nothing is good nothing is bad
nothing is good nothing is bad

awareness is all there is understanding
is all there is

understanding is all there is understanidn
gis all

is al there there is is all there
is si

is all there

its ok to be tire of the bullshit
i forgive myself i accept how i dam
totaly and completely accept myself for hoow i am
i accept

everthing that is i ea
accet everything that is i leet go i love
go i
let go i can’t let that conrol my
life i can let that contrl my hl
life i love stanidng up to my thougths i
say yesha
thank you for the contrast that teaches
thank yu

for the contrast that
the contast that teaches that
thank you for the contrat that teaches thank you for the
contrast that teaches

it sfee
its feel good to not care i liove that life shows me
i lov ehtat i get to choose the oth
i love

i get to feel the other side i get to love
for the sake of it i get to
love for the sake of it i
get to loe for the sake of it i get ot
let go i get to

feel god i get to feel god i g
get to choose god i get to

i dont have to think
a single thought i can be the thing
before the thoughts
and then noone
none of it am

matters then none of it matters
then none of it matters

nothing matters nothing
is real nothin matters nothing is
real nothing is real

thing is
real and i know this
i get ot fe
keep feeling good i get to
have a good day i get to
have a good day
i get to
feel the feeling of god and trust the rest i
get to refuse to suffer i get to

use the magick
i get to do the work
and see the e

affects i get to cc
do the work and see the affects
im not letting that ffect
afffect me any more
im getting off the roller coaster
and having a good day m

no matter what i

getting off the roller coaster i love that i
get to

get off the roller coaster i love that i get to
get to
off the roller coaster i love that i

i lvoe that i dont have tto care i love that
i nkow nothing is good or bad
i can just observe i know that nothing is good
or bad i can just observe i cna just allow life

life to flow through me i say yes to tlife
i say

yes to life i say yes to life i say yes to life

i dont have tot hink
to think a single thought i dont have to
think a single thoughts

i can just be i dont hae to do anyything
besdies w
look within and i

thank the
the contrast of life that helps me look
for the real source of the problems

i know that tis alywa sme and life
and only refelct me i know that its always me

its never them its never them its me
its my understanding its my understanding

its only ever my understanding
its never them its ne
me its me and the gift is that when i
notice myself looking outside
turn it inside and then its resolved

i dont have to do anything
besies be aware

all i can ever do is be aawere
be aware be aware all o

i can ever do is be aware
all i caan ever do is be aware

no thought is neccesary

its never them

who am i

its never them
who am i

its never them

who am i

its never them

who am i

who am i ai
is all there is observing is all
there is zooming out is all
there is

accepting everything as it is
is all there is
the feeling is all there
is the
feeling you want to feel is all
there is
the feeling you wat to feel
is all there is