the only work

the feeling work the god work and the knowing it just doesn’t matter work

letting be its responsiblity
i love that i nkwo i lov

i love that
i nkow the truth to life i hve found the secret to life
i know that god is on my side i now that

i knoa tthat i can trust everything that is
i know that i win
i love i know that i get

than i know i nkow i know

i nkow that it doesnt matter
i love that i know the turht to life i love
that i dont care i love htat
i really dont care that
i trust life t hat i trust the magic of life

that i let go completely

that i let go compltey

completely that i let go completely

i know that its me its up to me
what i look at its up to me
what i experience
tsi up to me how i see it itu p

its up to me how i see it its m
up to me to look for what
i wantt o see to allow
what i want to see to know awht i want to see
i love

that i get to allow what i wantt os e
to see to appear
i know i nkow is so i

its eay and its the feeling its eay and its the
feeling of lit
of lfie tis wi
its weay
easy and its the feeling of life its

eay tna dtha

its the feeling
of life the feeling of lfie

i know the feeling of lfei

i know the feeling of lfie

i know the feeling of life
i know th
the feeling of life i knwo the feeling
of life i nkow the

i know the feeling of life
i know

i know the feeling of lfie

i know the feeling of me
th i nkow the feeling of me i now

the feeling of me the
feeling of me the feeling of me
the feeling of me

i know i love that i know i love that
i feel better thatn eve
than ever i love that i feel releived i love
that i feel the

the feeling of es
of yes i love that i feel the
feeling of yes
the ffeeling
the feeling

the feeling of yes

the feeling of yes i love
that i get to feel it i love

that i ge tto f
to feel it i loe that
i get to feel it

i get to feel it

grateful to remember the feeling of me
to remember the feeling of me

to recognize the in and out to ccelebrate the
feeling of knwoing

i love that i feel the feeling
of god the feeling the feeling

the feeling of god the feeling
of god the feeling

te god fee

i love that it doesnt matter
its only here and ow ts only
the god self

here and now n

its only the god self
here and ow
its only awreness of itself

all tht matters is my proimity to

so graeful for the ife ecp

experience to push me
closer to god so grteufl i
get to bbe with god always
in this infintie now

so grateufl i get to cchoose it
so grateufl to
to know for the life experienc to knw

so rateful i can let it go
i can let it
go so

grateful i can let it go i can
let i

its it god so grateful i can let it
god i can let it go

so gateufl i knwo the feeling of that
i dont ccare that not one its is me
i love that i knkow noen of it is me
that my self

my god self is me i knwo the god self is
the only ral me i know that

i know that bliss doesnt’ m

need a reason
that bliss never has a reason
i know that bliss
doens’t need a reason
i love hat i

real bliss cat have a areason
i get to
feel the real liss bliss here and now

i lovet hat i
dont i love that i dont i love that
i dont h

i love that it just doens’t matter
it just doens’t

matter it just doens’t matter
it just doens’t matter
it just

doen’t matter
i love that i know that no me
not m i love ea
how easty it is to let go i loe
taht i nkwo

god is always here and now i love that
the contrat helps me
i love that


its not mysourcce and it never will
bei love that i love
i know this i love that
i get to relax

into i loe that i now i love that its easy
i love that i get to let it go
i love

that i get to let it go i love
that i gett

to let it go that i get to

that i gt to that i
get to i
that i get to get to that i get to

that i get t

i love that i don’t ccare
that ir eally dont

i love that id ont and
and thats the
best feeling

the feeling iw ant i loe htat
ig et to say yes to
eveyrthing that is
i loe that

get to deeply acept all of it

i loe that
i get to
to deply
deeply acccept it
i love that i get to hoose

letting go

the bliss ist hat
isa lways ther e
the feeling that
tis always there

return tto center
return to eden

i get to live in eden and allow waht
ahwtever comes i get to allwo life alow
that liss that is me
i get


detathc from

detach from

objective experinct
i knwo the
realt the real life i know what is real life
i nkow that
the proximitn to god is the proximint y to real life