the only work

this is the only owrk is
and the feeling is the only desitinatio
i now this and i now everything
outside of that s f
is fack
is not real and is not leading to the
feelig i choose

i chose ho i wanat to feel and life follows

so grateful for my life for my wife
that we can split the chores that we get along
still that we love each other that we waont
awnt each tother

i knwot he only feeling i now he onli nkow the only ting

im looking for i know when im looking at that
i know when im looking at the

im looking for god and i now god is always
rigth erhe i now that god is always right here so

grateful i get to nkow thei s
go i
god is always right here god is always righ here

the feeling is always right here
the devotion is aways right here

and ig et ot let go of the rest

i choose the feeling of me i choose the feeling
of me and life follows

so grateful life is good so
grateful for a coy day do
so grateful for the coaching so grateful to make new
weok to loe my wrok
to get to lovee my work so grateful
to get thave fun

every day so graetfl i get to sell my art
so grateful ove

im loved and cared for i get to choose
i get to choose i look for what i want to see

thank you thank you
so grateufl i have my own money and i can buy what i need

so grateful the bills are paid
and we got them down

so graetufl we’re always doing it so g
ratrulf i alreayd have the

perfect wife so grateful my life
is alwayred

alredy perfect so graeful for another cozy day

grateful i nkwo its all unfodling pefelcyt so gratefu
i dont hae to care that ig e tto just enjoy the day

i get to feel it now i get to focuson
the one and only truth adn know
that doesn’t matter

that tis just for fun that all of life
is just for fun that tis not that deep

i love that i already ko
nkow that its not that deep

i know the one and only truth
and get tofeel
to feel it now i

i nkwko the one and only truth and get to feel it now

so tra

grateful for this day for this lazy day
for this cozy day to get to feel

good to get to feel god herea nd now to get to have fun
to get to sit at my deskk to get to love my office to get to take caare of my
house and my chorese

my house that i love

i get to feel good and i dont have to
give it away i never have to give it away

becaues its right here the srouce
is always right here the source

is always right here the source

is always right here im the source
you found me

who am i

he only work and i nkow he only
power of me i nkow the only power of me and

and all i can do is use it all i can do is
feel it feel th power of me feel

how i want to feel that’s all ic an ever do
feel how i would prefer to feel then

i knkow its that easy i knwo its and i now the opwero
of me i nkow that i can do it

i kow its too eays i now its too
easy to remember the one and only truth
as long as i think something is missing it is

i lvoe that i now this i lwof ehat i now i love

that i now this i know this i love
that i nkow thi know
i now this

i know this

i love that i nkow the one and only truth
and its that i get to choose how if eel
and then life reflects it

all i can do is feel the feeling of god
all i can do

is feel that feeling and not get caught up in any
thinkging i dont need anythi

any thoughts i dont need anything
i arleady have everything i already have

everything i have the god elf i now the god feeling
i kknow i get
i get to

choose how i feel i hget to ochoose
choose how i feel i get to

choose it now its so easy to choose
the version i pefer
prefer its so easy to choose the
version i prefer and thats all i can do

be aware of how im feeling na dnow t
know that life reflects it

i have knowing and tahs’ all i need
i have

the powre of me i hve the energy that
ccreates worlds and i never have to wonder i nee

never have to wonder i never

hve to wonder i never have to wonder
i choose i never

have to ownderr i choose i never have to wonder i choose i never have to

wondder i choose i focus on how i feel

i focus on what i believe i focus on
what i fe

believe i focus on what i believe i focus

what i believe i foccus on what i believe
i choose not to care

if cous on i focus on the
feeling of god and thas’

the ony place i can ever turn

i’m happ and
nd that feeling drives life

the feeling of total fulfillment drives
life the

the feeling of gratitdue
drives life the feeling of having it
drives life

the feeling of already having
it drives life

the feeling of already having it drives
llife the

feeling is what drives life

feeling drives life the

drives life
the feeling drives life