the only work

the only work is understanding the only work is understanign
the energies of me asking who am
i the only work is asking who am i

who who am i is the only focus is teh only place to look is the only place to look i dont havvet o soneder just decide and then feel good i get to feel good i
get to amke the choice for how i want to feel i get t pace the attention on awraeenes
and i knwo thei si get to c

celebrate awareness

celebrate my mental brilliance i nkwo i can
do it i knwo i can do i i know the power of mental brilliance

so grateful for all the coaching
for the orders for the sales
so grateful for the the publisher wants our work
and i know itw orks

grateful for the validation
knwoing pweropl love our work i love knwoign people
love our awork i love that the gig wa as succss i lovve
twethat i knwo i still got
it i love feeling good about myself i love
feleing good in life

i love doing the work i love making iagese i love
i love feeling good i n my life i love trusting the flw i love
trusting the unfolding of life knwoign

evertying is always in my favor i nwo the feeling of

letting everything god

returngint o understadning
understanig the unfoling undsetaing myself in everything knowint eh feeling knowing the feeling
choosing wht
the feeling i prefer
thats all i can do

all i can do is know my own
power all i can do is know my
own powerr all i can do is fo us on

focus on me all i can
do si focus o
on the god within
on the god within
on the go

within i get ot make the choice how i want to feel
and i dont give a fuck

i dont give a fuck because its not my porlb
problem its no my problem

i want to feel good i want to feel good i want to feel good in my lif ei want to life

like myself i want to like my life i want to life

enjoy my lifek i want to

i want to now my powerr i now wnt to now the one
and only power i want to feel the one aond
only power i want to tap tin
into the one aond only power i want to tap into the one aodn ly
and only power i wanwt to tap to
the one aodn
and only power i watnt o tap into

the one
and only poer i nkow the power of me i choose th epower
of me i

choose the power of me i choose freedomi choose
i choose i choose freedom

i choose freedom

i choose me i chooe mm ic hoose my own life i choose my

the feeling of me the power of me i choose
the god self i knwo

i knwo the power fo me it si
is how i feel i nkwo the
ower of me is how i feel i now the
power of me i show i feel i kno
the power of me is how if eel
i knwo
i hcoose then it is
and never have to coner i choose convidence in life
i knwo

so graeful i knwot trust myself

i know the power of me and i hcoose i
i focus on the power of m e
i uncerstand that power of me andta t
ths’a ll there is i knwo thsi

i dont have to care because is not
my prolem
proble its not my problem

only looking within
taking m powre
my poer back taking my power back
taking my self back i
knowing the feeling i am
is always righ erhe

returning to my truths all i can
ever do to feel good is tr
return to my truths that is the only
that is the only focus there

ther e
here and now is always
all ther eer its

i never have to think about anything
i can just exist i can just exist
i never have to are about anything
i can just exist
i cn

just choose with the feeling
that’s all i can do s

that’s all there is to do

when youre wondering your

when you’re wondering you’re
choosing avibration

of under
i choose myself
and i stand up m
for myself
and i protect my boundries
and im
proud of it

know the power of me
i nkow the
feeling of me
i know

who and
what i ai i knwo wht i am
i i nkow the one aodn onlly truht
and its choice
i know
its the power of choice
choosing to feel godo no matter what choosing to feel good
choose ing
to feel good

finding away find ign away
fback to god rememering ia m

is always here

right here and
in there here and naow
is all i needd

there’s nothign change

thre’a always i am
here and now
ther’s always

the feeling preceeding the thoguth

the truth
there’s aways he truth

thre’s always nothing there’s alwaya

no thought there’s

always ai
i am here and now

knowing how i feel choosing my power
choosing my powre choosing my power
choosing my pwoer
cchoshing feeling
godo bewa

being aware of hwo i feel
being awre of how if eel
and i g
feel it i
just focus on how i feel jut focs
on how i feel how i feel is all there is and i know the wore of em
i knwo the power of me i now the

the power of me i l i love

the power ome
of me

ther e
the feeling of me the knwoing of me
and ntohing
can shake that

nothing can cha

shake my power nthign
stop my power and i cakt eht ie to chare m
up my power