the only work

the only thing that matters is the foccus and
i can always celebrate being free i can always

being free i never have to wonder just tahnk
say ytha
thank you for the freedom fo rm
of me for the knowledge of me
and i never have to wonder i never have
to wonder

i know the only work
and i know its me and i know that in ever have to care i nkow that
today is my day to feel good today

is a good

i love that i can be free i oe that
i get to be free i love
that i et to ge

to be free
i love that i get to live this day from
for me that i get to decide what i focus on
that the
conrast helps me focus

that the contrast epls me fcous
and i love
i nver have to wonderr i never have to wondde r
i get o do the work for me
i get to celebrate life for me

and i

never have to wonder

i ove that i get to celebraet the
day fo me
i loe that i get to be free i love that
i dont have
to care i love hat i never
have to cre i love that
i never have to
care i love that it just doesn’t mater
matter i love that i get to do me

i love that i’m free i love that i’m free i love
ath i ge to live my lfe for me
d oin

doing the ony work that
i get to do the only work that matters

i love that i dont have to care
i love that my super power is i
dont have to think about that i love that
i know my super poweer
i love that i know the flow of me
i love that i now the

feeling of me

i love that i don’t have to care that i get to celebrae my poweer that
i get to celebraet life that i get tofele
to feel good to feel good that i get to
to feel good i love that i

to i love that i get to i love tha t

that it just doesn’t matter i love that it
just doesn’t matter i loe at i
dont have to care i love the power of me theporca

praccticce of me the practicce of me
the pracct

practicce of me i love the practice of me

i love that its up to me i love that i nkow
its up to me where i focus where i focus its up to me where i focus


up to me how i decie to feel its upt
to me to decide how i feel to remember my power its my choice

to choose my power its my choice
to use my power its my choice
to use my power its my choice

to use my poweer its just

to use the power of em

tankyou for the contrst the help me
focus thank you for the lfow lfowing
thank you for life flowing thank you
the focus on the god self thank you
for knowing the god self

for the real work the only work
the only
work that matters that
only work hat e

evver makes a diference

i love that i dont havve to care
i love that i get to do me
i love that i
get to allow

the real me to flowt he god self to flo
i get to enjoy life

i get to enjy life
i get o say yes to life to the flow to the focus to the god self within me i get to say yes to the god self within

i get to say yes to the god self within me

i love that i don’t have to care
i don’t have to care id ont’

have to care i love that i
never have to care i love hat i get to
let that go gorever i love
that i get to let that go

i get to i love that i get to be fre ei love
to ge
let go i love that i get to let go i love
that i get to i love that i know
its me
i ha

i have the power i love that i have the poweer
i have

that i

have the power i love that
have the power i love that i get to cchoose
it i love that i
get to align with it i love that

i get to align with it i get to choose teh power
of em i get to

its me its all me its me
creating everything i now that

i know that its me creating everything

i love
being free i love being free i love
that i know that l
alll of life is flowing to me
i know that all of life
is flowing

to and through me i know that life is godo i nwo that life
loves me and is always giving me the best version
i love hat i get to

to align with this
i love that i get to align with life that i get to say yes to life
i love that i never havet o care i love that
i know life is ogo
good i love taht
i knwo tlife is good i love that i nkw lfie

life loves me i love that i nkow
life loves me i love that life loes me i love that
i now life loves me
i love that i nkow
i lovee that
its all in my favor

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i dont have to ccare i love that i never have to care i love
that i never have to care i love
that i never have to wonder