the only work

this is the only wrok the
the feeleing is the only work

the devotion the focus
the tuning the tuning the vibration
the mood the feeling
is the only work the presence is the only work
the word yes
is the only work

being is the only work that i am
is the only work this feeling the

flow the flow is is the only work the feeling
is the only work the tuning is the onlly work
the awareness is the only work the only job

so grateful for our wholesalers
for people who understnad our work
who value our work there are so many people
who value our work who value our work

who value our work who value our work
who value our

this is the only work the feeling right now
is the only work
the focus on the present
the loving the present
the feeling of yes

the feeling of celebrating the moment
that is the only wrlk
work and i love that i know i love that
i know life is
good i love that life
life flows through ms o

me so perfectly i love that life loves me i love that
life loves where iam righ am right now
i love that life is good i love that
life is good i ilove that i live
life is good life is good life

is good life is good life

is good life is good life is good

i love that i know i love that i know the feleing
is all there is i liove that i know i love that i am a master

this is the only work the feeling is the only work
the letting go is the only work
the flowing is the only work the work is the only work
the feeling good is the onlyl work
the feeling good is the only work
i love that i know

i love that i know the feeling i love that i know the
feeling i love that i know the feeling i love that
i get to choose fitness of emotions fitness of the mind i love that
i ge tto choose teh flow
i get

i get to choose teh flow right now
i get to choose teh feeling
right now i get to choose it
i g

i get to become it then see it
i get to becime

become it then see it