the power of me

so grateful for life for
the poer
of me for the power of me for the ina n
and out for the chance to learn
to learn the power of me

the creative powerr of me the
creative power of me

i know the power of methe feeling ofme i now the
feeling of me and i loe that i get to choose it that life heps

helps me choose it that life helps me choose it
the feeling of me i know the feeling of me i now the
i know the feeling of me

i feel yes i know the feeling of yes i nkow it
so well i know i am the boss i know the
feeling of yes i nkow its os

so well i nkow the feeling of yes i know

it so so wel so well
i kow the feeling so well i know the
feeling of yes i know ht
the feeling of yes

the power ye he power ofthank thank yout ha
the powero fme the power of e
the power of yes

so grateful for the in and out of life
that i know that i getto

to learn to
so grateful to get to love
learn and love right now
to get to feel good now to

knwo its going well right now
to know life is on my side
to get to celebrate life
right now

to get to celebrate life right now to get to
celebrate life right now to feel it right now
to feel the lfoe
the love right now
to feel the fl

the love right nwo