the work always works

the work always works and
i can feel the work working i can
feel that the more i allow
myself to

relax and enjoy
the here and now
the better i feel about life
and more life

lifts me up i know that
when i allow life to lift me
it does

i love that today,

i noticed something i was
thinking about that i didn’t want
so i thought about
what i wanted instead

and it worked!!

multiple times

i love when i notice the flow is flowing
i love when i notice the flow i love
when i notice the flow i love

i notice the flow i love
when i get to feel good i love
when i get to feel good i love

when i get to feel good i love
that the flow is always flowing i love
that there is so much to love i love that
life is always unfolding

perfectly for me i love that
there is so much to love i love
that i am here now i love
that i am certain that life
is unfolding perfectly for me
i love where i am right now i love

looking for reasons to celebrate life
i love that its easy to feel uplifed i love
that its easy
to feel

supported by life

i love thati get to make
the choice and the more i practice

making the choice
the better i feel i love that
i get to feel good in this
here and now i love that i get to feel good

now i love that i get to feel
good now i love that
there is so much to love i love
celebrating how far i’ve come

i love getting to do the
work i love allowing myself
to do the work

instead of building myself up
and then tearing myself down

i love that the school
went above 1000!!!