the work always works

and the work is all there is i know that this is all there is
the feeling is all there is and all i can do is feel i can feel optimistic
i can feel good i can allow the best i can expect the best i can choose to feel
good i can choose to feel good i can choose

to allow it to allow life to unfold i can choose
to accept it to accept what is and know that’s all i can do i can
choose to feel good i can
choose to feel good i

can choose to feel good i can choose to feel good

i’m here doing the feeling work and allowing the flow
to flow through me i allow the flow
to flow through me i allow the flow

to flow through me i allow the flow to flow through me
i allow myself to just be to just exist and that’s all i can do

this works always works the feeling always works the
knowing the relaxing into the now and accepting it and that’s all ic an
is feel the energy is feel the energy
is look for

evidence of improvement

just believe just expect the best just allow
allow the passing of time allow this here and now just
to just be what it is
i accept all that is and anything that comes

i accept it all i accept it all and i
release the rest i re

i release all resistance
and accept everything that is i accept
everything that is i accept the flow of life
i accept all that is becuase i knwo i can’t resist it

i can just accept and allow
accept and allow

i allow all that is i allow all that is
i allow the flow of life i say yes to the flow of life
knowing that i’ve done all i can do that id on thave to
let it be my reason i never have to allow anything to be my reason

so i do the work to remember to

what i am to rememberr the ins and outs oflife
to remember the ins and outs of life

i’m here doing the work

who i am and that i get to choose how o f

how i feel that ig et to choose that it can only
reflect me and that i get to choose i get to choose

i get to choose the feeling the flow
i get to choose the flow
of life

i get to choose the in and out of life

all i can do is be all i can do is be

all i do is allow
is get through this writing haha

all i can do is feel all i can do
is exist right now accept all that is right now
and that’s’

all i can do is just exist in this here and now

all ic an do is exist here and now
and feel the feelig of it i do

i don thave to expect

i dont have to expect anything i can just be and
allow i can just allow i can just allow i can

just all ow the flow the flow of lie
the unfolding of life

i can accept and allow it i can

accept and allow it i can accept and allow it i cn


i accept life i accept the flow i say yes to life
i say yes to lif en

and that’s all i can do i s
is just tap out and just be

i can still feel good no matter what i can
always allow life

i can look at the good part
the evidence of improvement i can look at the evidence of improvement

i can allow it i can release it i can let it
go i can let go and release i can release the clog
i can releae what’s back up i can allow the
flow to flow
freely i am allowing the flow to flow freeliy

i am allowing all of life to flow freely i a

i allow life ia llow life to unfold i allow
life to unfold and i accept it i allow life to unfold
and ia

accept it i can cemt

cement myself in the here and now and
accept all that is i a

i accept all that is i
accept the feeling of love and appreciation

i can do it i can do it i can just be
all i can do is be and just accept what is
all i can do is accept what is and

i know all i can do is accept and allow that
my eeling d

my feeling does

affect it and i can choose how i feel
i get to choose how i feel what i expect i get tcchoo
to choose what i expect and
i know that

i’m here and that’s all i can do
is appreciate what i have right now

feel right now that i have

everything i need feel the feeling of having it right now
of appreciation for it right now i

so grateful i get to choose it i get to choose
it ig et to

detach from events from circumstances and just be

so gratefl to get to just be

i can just be

all i can do

is be

just be here now and pay attention
to the indicators
of improvement

pay atention to the signs!!

to the evidence of improvement

so grateful to know to know that life
to know that life
flows through me to know that

so grateful to know that ig et to choose how i feel
i always get to choose how i feel

that i can always

just be

so grateful for the here and now
for the feeling of yes for the feeling of improvement
for the feeling of knowing

grateful i get to choose knwoing