the work always works

na d
and i

don’t have preferences i just exists i release that i release that
becausae i’m not going to hona

hang out to it because its not my true self
i know all i can do is be my true self i know all
ic an do

do is be my true self i know how to leave it alone i know
how to leave it alone i know how to drop it i know how to do the work


it’s easy to feel good it’s easy to feel good

easy to

feel good with no preferences i
don’t have any preferences

that’s a good one i love a good one i love

a good one

i always have the power of em

i always have

the power of me the power of me the poewr of

i alway shave the power of me i choose me
i choose my true self i choose my true

true self every time i choose my

i love when i dont care i love when i’m

happy i love that i know i can do i i love that
i get to do i get to do the true self work

the inner work i get to do the inner work the love work
i get to do the love

work i get to do the olve

love work i get o
to relese my preferences i get to release my preferences
i get to release i get to say yese to my

true self i know my true t

when i am aware of the of the self within me i am totallyf ulf


i know that as long as i am devoted to my vortex
that is all that matters

if i am in the placeless place

nothing else matters
if i am i the placeless place

nothing else matters

i see the evidence of the truth in

appears as every visible form and
experiencie that i could pi


all ic an do is choose becau i want
to feel good so i choose to feel good

i choose to feel good i choose to
feel good

i get to trust the mystery i get to jump into
the myster i

get to

release my preferences

i do’t have any preferences i just trst
what happens be caue i know

i know

because i know i nkow

i get to be the boss i get to be in charge of how i

i feel i get to ch
be in charge of how i fee li

i know i get to choose to feel good now matter what
i get to choose it in my

i love that life is working out for me i love that
i get to look for abundance

i get to allow well being i get to allow well
being i lov ethat i know the feeling so well
i love that

i know i can just leave it alone and deicd eto feel good about that
i loe that i get i love that i get to i lov ethat
i get

get to live in peace and by my own choice
i c

get to le

live in peace of my own design
i get to feel good no mater what

i keep my mind and thougths off this work

world and place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause f
of my prosperity

i place my entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my prosperity

i place my entire

so grateful so grateful to feel secure
to feel secure

to ran

transcend that so grateful to

transcend that vibration forever


the devotion the devotoiin the de

devotoin the devotion
to the placeless place

is all there ist

the devotion to the placeless place

is all there is
is all there is the

mystery is all there is
the pathless path

is all there is

i release

i am totallly confident in letting go
and letting go i am totally confidnet

in letting go and letting go

i am can

i am the god self
today i am my god sellf today to

i am my god self today i am my god self
today i choose how i feel todya i

i remember the pow of me today i celebrate the mpoweer

the power of me

iam in thep laceless place

i keep my mind and thougths
off this world and i know that is my powe i know

i nkow that is my power
i know i let it outside of me

but i have it back now and that
is life that is the work of life that is teh art of life

is remembering who i am that is what i seek
that is what i really seek
that is thwa t

i think is missing is the security in god knowing that
eerything that comes my way is
in my favor

practicing the feeling and i get to do it i love tha ti get to do it
i ge tot do it

i choose it because that is my art that is the

creation of life
feeling creates

the placeless place

the feeling i see is right here

that feeling i think i didnt get from outside of me
is right here with me always is right here with me

always it is me

that feeling is me
so i could nevver be missing it

i could nevver

have a shortage of it
love is infinite in an

and it comes from wthin

i know this i know the power of me i know i get to choose it
i know i get to choose teh pwoer of me

i loe that i get to do this wor the feelign gwork

i love that life helps me fod hte
do the feelgn work

i love that life helps me do the feeling work