the work always works

i love that i dont care i love that today i woke up feeling
good i love that i get to feel good today get to feel the flow today get to feel the flow today
get to feel good today get to feel the flow today

so grateful i know to feel like myself
again so grateufl ro tfeel like myself
again so

i love that i get to choose i love
that i
don’t have to wonder i love that i get to say thank you
yes please let me go i want to live my life

i’m celebeating living my life

i love that i’m free i love that i’m free to live my life
i love that i
get ti love that
i get to be free i love that im free i love
that i know nothing matters i love that
i know nothing
matters i love

that i i get that i get to feel good now i love that
i ge tto feel good now i

i’m free i’m free to choose god i’m free to find
god and no one can stop me
from god not

no one can prevernt me from god and i know that i know that
im jgoind doing my best i know that i didn’t do anything
wrong i know that i didn’t do

anything wor


i love feeling free thank god
i’m free thank god i’m free thank
god i love that idont gav

care i love that id otn

give a shit i love
that i really dont care i love

that i drealloy
really dont care i love that

reallyd ont care i love that

i love that i’m over it i love that
im fed up i love that im fed up i love that
i get to i love that

that i
i love that idgaf

i love that idfaf

idaf i love that id ont have to i h
i love that id ont have to i love
that i

dont have to i lov ehta ti
dont have to i lov ehta tim
done i love thati’m done talking about that i love that i get to
just enjoy life

i love that i get to just

enjoy life

i dont care idc idc

i would be so free to hyave tyou
out of my life its not that d

serious its not that serious
ist no

its not that serious its not that serious

its noev

never that serious i love htat i
get to move out thank you god feo

for showing me the truth
thank you

god for showing me the truth im
so grateful i know

thanks god for everything tahnk you f
ro the bif
pictur for knowing forl

thank yo for knowing for the big picture
for letting go complet
for just exisitng right now
how do i prefer to feel


the mind itself is the disease the
thikning is the disease the
is the disease and i never have to wonder
i get to choose to refuse to suuf

suffer and that’s what it always comes

refuse to suffer


change in consciousenss
change what you look for and its too
eays and i love that i get to i lveo that i dont have to care