the work always works and the work is all that matters

i love doing th work
the work and letting everything
else go i love knowing that my mood
is my work i love tat i a

am good at that work
i love that its esay t f
for me ot feel good and trust the flow of

i love

that i get to make the
choide i get to make the
choice to love i get tomake

the flow the flow
is flowing the

i love doing the work

and feeling

i love doing the work i love
saying yes thank you i love that it
always comes
i love that i know it

i knew it would

i love that life is flowing preft

perfeclty through me i love that
it always comes i love
that there is always more than enough
i love that iknow life
i know life loves me

i love that iknow life
loves me i love tha i feel the flow floing

i love that its
easy to feel good
i love that

its easy to let that go i love that
i love myself i love that life
is good i love
that there is so much to love

i love that life always flows
through me i love that i still
get paid

i love that life is good
i love that it
always comes i love the flow the
in and out of life i love the

i love myself i love thatl if is
goo i love that i get to say thankuo

you il

i love that i get to say thank
you i love that i

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to love myself i love that
i get ot celebrate this day
i love that i get to

let go and feel good i love that
tis easy

for me to feel good i love that its
easy to fo

for me to create the versoin
of my life that i prefer

i loe that i love
that this ismy love i love that
i get to

to make the choice to feel
good now i love doing the
good work i love that iknow all that matters
is the feeling and the more

get out of thew ay nd
and feel the feeling i love
that the more i get out of the
way nd

and feel the feeling the
better i eel i love that i get to
make the chocie the choice
to love i love that i am
aware of my

thoughts i love

that i am aware of my thougths

i love that life loves me
i love that i get to feel the feeling
i want to feel i love that i

get to act as if i know that
all i can do is act as if i love the power

of the focus iknow the power of the focus
i love feeling i love

being aware of how i feel

it feels good to smlie
and do the work and let go

i know i never havet o

to wonder i knowt he work
always works i love that i kno th
the work always

works i love that i get ot feel g

good in this here andnow i
love thati

i feel good i feel good
i nthis right now i feel good

in this right now i love

that there is so much to love that
i love that there is so much to love

i love feeling good
i loe feeling
good i love loving life ilove that
i get to feel the feeling
right now il ove

love that i ge tot feel
at ease in this
here and now

i love that i get o

feel at eae in the
in the

i love feeling good i lov e
feeling the flow i love that
is good i love that life
is good i love that life
is good i love

that life i sgood

i love that ther
is so much to love i love that life
is good i love that i get ot feel
good i love th
i love the better it
gets i lov th

the better it gets

i love that i can mbe

be a match to love

i love that i can