the work always works

and today i get to feel good about that
i don’t have to continue to think the
same thoughts about what i don’t want

i can choose to let them go
and look for what i do wnat and

and when i do that i
raise my vibraton
i make the choice

to worry or wonder or feel bad

i make the choice to feel how i want to feel
and when i do that i am liberated

i am no longer giving my power away

i keep and i say yes thank you i now
i never hvet o

havet o let circumstances

controld me or make me feel a certain way i know
outside circumstances

can never make me feel a certain waqy i know
i know i can always choose how i feel and align with

the version i prefer

i can always do the work and celebrate life
i can choose the feeling of how i want to feel i choose
the feeling for what ho

how i want to feel and then life
reflects that but if i keep feeling bad
because of something that is happending

then it gets in the way

of me feeling good and i know that
all that matters is how i feel so i make the choice
not to let


affect how i feel i

affect how i feel so i have
the pwoer t

within me to choose the feeling for
how i want to feela dn

and then feel it i feel the feeling
for how i want to feel
and then

life reflects that i love
feeling gfree free i love
that i am

wealthy and free i love
practicing the feeling i love
doing the work form e

me for me i do the work for me
i do the only work that matters
and its for me i love doing the work
and feeling good about life i love

doing the work
and feel good about life

i love doing the work and
feeling the power of god flowing through me

i love that the work

always work si love
i love feeling good for me i love
feeling the feelign for me i love

that i have the power to let that
go i love that i can let the
magick do it
i can allow the magick to do it
and i ccan

let go of the rest

today i intend to let go
to do the work the only
work that matters

and that’s it i can allow myself
to do the work to let go
of how i think it should be and feel good anyway

i get to choose the feeling of how i want to feel
and i know that everything is

a reflection of me

i love remembering that i love
feeling in control of who i am
i love feeling organized and
free from clutter and i know

when i make the choice to
feel this way the rest of my life

i love that i am
taking the
making the time to feel good
because now i feel good and the
better i feel the

better i feel i love that i
get to choose how i want to feel
right now and i don’t


anything outside of me
to make me feel anyting

because i get to feel it right now
through pracitce i get to feel
empowered by life and know that
the magick always takes care of