the work is always here

the feeling is always here the relaxatoin
the knowing the

god feeling the feeling good feeling the

the knowing i dont have to care i love that
i dont have to care i love that i know tis me
that the energy of me

i lvo that i know the energy of me i love that
i know the energy of me

the release of knowing its only
ever me the god self i love that i
dont havet o care i love th

i love the feeling of letting it all god i
i love the
feeling of letting all go and then
there’s just god i love that

feeling of god energy flowing ther

through me i love the
feeling of gettin t

getting to love i love the feeling of love
driving my life i love the
feeling of love energizing me
i love the feeling of choosing to feel energized

i love the feeling of having fun i love
that feeling
the feeling of have

allowing life to flow through me
spreading love and good energy whereever
i go i love that i get to be that person i love t

i gett obe god i love that i get to be the god self i lovee that
i get to let the rest go i love that i know tis

nt up to me that im not right
that nno one is ever right ath its just is

today i live from pure being today i
am pure being toay

i release the rest and feel
filled up by life by god by knowing
by love today i am just here loving love


lovig being and i love that i dont have to care about
anything els

the level of just being and i knko this love

level i know i can do it all in the
the air i know i can do it all in the air i know i

can do it all in the air

the air i love that i get to i love that
it jjust doesn’t matter and i get to just be

i love that i get to live and love li

life i love that i get to feel good and
be a
happy no matter what is happening i love that

i cn always make it back to cn

to center

the god self the god self to remembe that i dont care i dont
care i dont care id ont

care i dont care

i love that i dont hi hav
i love the
the feeling of letting o i love
i love the

feeling ofloving myself i love the
feeling of lo

of loving myself of loving myself
of kknwoing
of trustig god

of trusting god

of trusting god


that is the ulitmate feeling
of letting go and knowing its no

its not outside of me
that is only that is

its only me