the work works

the work works the works
changing the focus fow
turning the focus works

who am
i who am i who am i
and that’s all there is
that’s all there
is that

that’s all there is
is who am i

the work will hlep
help me focus the work will hepl me have a good day
the work will

help me have agood day
the wokr always works the works e
always works all i can do is the work
i kn
i no lth
lookkign at the sourcce of attention is the only
anser i now ise
i nkow its mme ggiving
it attention when i could sh
choosee not i no

i knowt hat i do
do nt have to care i do nto have to care i love hta
that i d
do hn
not havet o care

the work is alreayd worksing and the roblems are
in the mind the work is alredy working ad n

and the porblems are in the mind the problems
are in themind i n
i now that i now that i now mi know that
the one and only powr of me i now the onw
one and only power of me

the work always works i
and its so easy tis so easy to refuse every thought
to decide not to care its so
easy not to care its so esay
to choose god instead
to drop thought and ec

choose knowing knwoing is easy
its just htere
there it just exists
knowing is so easy knowing
god is so easy and god fills in the rest

the work

the work always works the work alawys
works the work always works

becusee i remember who ai m am
i remember the one aodn o nly power i remember the one aond knly power ofme the feeling of me the feeling of methe

i remember not to let anything be my reaons
to not do the same thing i a
acucuse others of
of doing

on the
only the work will ever do anything ecaue

only the work woks
works becuase theres not
solutoins in m
the mind the work works becuaes
because there’s

never any solutions in the mind
theres no soluion in the mind

all i can ever do is drop out
all i can ever
do is drop out all i can ever do is let it go

all i can ever do is drop out

the work always works and its a mater
matter of ofcus

is a matter of deciding how im going to feel
tis am

its a matter of making the choice how i want to feel
and where

who im giving my poewr ot ma
am i giving the powr of
over how i feel to someone else

i choose ow i feel i choose how if eel
and it has ntohting to do with

anyone else im indiffernet

i dont hcare what happens i kno
dont care what hapens i
dont care what happens

i don tcare


there’s only one solution to every problem and its god
theres only one

solutoin to every

problme and it
s god

there’s only one solution
there sonly on
there sonl

only one power there sonly one feeling
when you drop
all thought theres only one

feeling and i now this i know i dont
need thought i need god

i dont need thought i need god i

turn away from thorugh though and turn
toward god

i trun
turn aware of

away from thought and turn twar
toward god

i dont have to care i trust the flow
i trust what i
happens i nkow the flow will take me
where i need to be

i know the flow aill
will take me where i nedd

where i need to be i know the flow
will take me where i needt o

to be i know the flow will

take me where i an
need to be where i need to be

i dont need thought i need god

i dont need thought i need god

i dont hneed thought
thought its neer then

them its never them the thoguths
are never “true”

only god is tue only god is true
feel for god and froget the f
rest is if

if i want to feel good i feel for god
and forget the rest

i feel for
for god and forget the rst

thought is n’t the soluiton god is

stand up to your thoughts and create eh version you prefer
tha’ts all i

i can
ever do all i can
all i can
ever do i
all i can

all i can ever do

is feel for god that is the soluiont
to every problem and i nkow thsi

i know thisf or a fact theres nothing else
theres’ nothig

else besides the feeling of god
everything else is misery

let the rest go dn
and feel for god and let the
rest figure itslef out
who cares just look for away
to enj

a way to enjoy life
all i can do is

enjoy life

all i can do is look for away
a way to enjoy life i now that
no on is perfect

people mess up

i mess up

i mess up all the tie i beat myself
up for not being perfect and hope that people can find a way to understand
me and love me anyway

that people can look past it and love me anyway

its all made up

choose m poweer instead of giving it away

choose god instead choose totl
fullfillmetn in stead

in the hre and now im

int he here and now i am
totally fulfilled

n th

in the here and now i am totalluf ifl
fulfilled i lvoe that i get tofeel

it that i ccna lways turn
toward god that i can

always turn toward the feelng