there’s only one way to feel good

and that’s the fitness of the mind
that’s the fitness of the mind and its a fitness and
whatever train of thought i practice is what becomes easier
i knwo this i knwo the powr of me i knwo the flw of me i know the flow
of me i now th

i know the one and only truth of me

the one and only solution
is always

no thining
o have gained much you have gained a lot

i dont have to ccare about a thing
i neve have to ccare

there is only one solution to very problem
and i knwo that i get ot

enjoy i get to enjoy i get to enjoy my life not being fc
fucking uptight abbout everything
i get to enjoy my life not being uptdhgt
nt being a fuckigning a;sljfa;lbuz

but idc

i neer have to care i never have to care
i never have to care i get to do me
i can

awlays do me i can always do me i can

focus on the one and only one aond
only truth i can always
on the one and only truth

the one and only truth
the one and only truth the one

and only truth the one one and
only truth there is only one there is one there

i never have to care i never
have to care
i never have to care i never

to care i never have to care
i never have to cre i never
i never have

i get to enjoy my life not
being uptight
i get to enjoy my life not
being uptight
about every single thing

i never to care i never have to care
never have to care i never have to care

i dont have to think
no matter hwat i dont have to think

i dont have to think i dont have to think
i dot
dont have to think i dont havee to
to think i dont have

to think its
i never have to think

i dont’ have to th

i never have to ccare i never have to think
i never
have to think i never have to care

i never have to think i never have to care

i never have to think in ever have to care