this is the only work

i know this is the only work and the only
thing that matters in my life

sub retention
all that matters is how i feel and the rest reflects that
i know that i know this i know this
i know this is the only work
the feeling is the only work the

connection to self is the only work
and i can always trust the feeling
i can always trust the right now
the feeling right now

i get to feel it i get to feel it
and it starts with a dlim

glimmer and that glimmer builds
the glimmer builds

you can always start with a glimmer
bless the glimmer!!

the glimmer builds
the glimmer is evidence of god that
god is always there and the only
thing that can block it

is resistance to it

the only thing that can block god
is resistance to it

i love that so much is good in my life i love that
i ahve so much to be grateful for!!


sub payment!!


good food!

so grateful to feel the fli

to feel the glimmer build
to feel good to feel

and good humor

love satisfaction
and good humor

and i can feel all of those things
and every time i make the choice
to make those things my reality

my core identity

then they are

i am one who loves and makes connections easily
i am one who is respected and revered for her work

i am one who trust the flow of life

knowing this is the only work i love knwoing this
is the only work the

flowing work the
feeling work the feeling work
the being w

aware of the version i create work
i get to feelthe

feel the feelin first
i love that i get to feel the
feeling fisrt



good humor