this work always works and i’m so grateful i get to do it

i know that this is the only work
this is the only work adn it feels so good to be back to get
to live the life i want to remember who i am
to remember i am the creator to remember that it’s alwaya as easy as just
leaning into the flow so
grateful i get to be here get to feel good
get to feel the feeling of life
get to love life get to love life
i love that i get

i love that i get to
i love the poer of me the focus of me

i love the power ofem t

me the focus of me the feeling of me the knowing of me
knwoing who and what i am di
and i love that i get to t
get to do this work to feel cenetered to fee

live flow so grateful i get to live slow
that i get to thinkf rom it

i get to think from it and i love hat
that i know the secret to life
i have rou

found the secret to life

and can rela

so grateful to get to do this work my work
to know the truth of life to know

that i am

provided for

i am

i am

i am

i am

i am