tired of feeling frustrated
tired tired not being able to breathe tired
of feeling like i’m drowning
tired of feeling mad
tired of the inner fight tired
just tired tired of everything
die to life t
just die to live just die to live
tired of feeling like i’m drowning
tired of stuggling every single god damne
day just to catch a god damn breath
tired of feeling like life is a struggle
of striving tired of trying tired
of feeling like
so fucking over it tired of caring
tired of trying to breathe having to suck in air
fucking ite
tired of it all tired of
trying tired on
of wondering of worrying
tired abou
of all the bullshit tired
of your bullshit suggestins
that don’t help tired of feeling this
way tired of
struggling tired of not
die to live die to live die to live and i know
that’s all i can ever do is die
to live all i can do is let it go and make
the choice all i can o
do is do the work for me all i cand o is the the good work and let the
rest follow all i can do is
make the choice all i can do is make
the choice to feel good now to do me
now all i can do is make the choice to
refuse to suffer all i can do is
make the choice to flow the
with the flow of life
to not care all i can do is make
the choice to let it
it go and allow the flow
of well being to flow
all i can do is let ig
it go all i can do is cry but
becuase i’m so fucking of
tired of struggling
tired of tring to let go
so just let go and let it flow
let go and let it flow
make the choice to allow the flow
to flow to allow the flow to fow
to flow allow the flow to fo
flow and it will i know it’s
easy to die to live tonog
not give fuck it’s
easy to not stugg
to let go of it all it feels good to just
let go of it all to make the choicet o all
to allow well being to flow to make
the choice to allow well being to flow
i know i know i a
can allow the fe
welling being to flow i can do ame
me and alow the allow the well being to flow
the well being to flow i can alow the
all i can do is allow
i now i d
i don’ thave to suffer i know
i don ‘tha ve
have to drown
i can float
and to float
i have to die to live
let go of everything
and simply float
iknow i can
i know
i can allow myself to do that
by simply not careing
caring i can a
i let that go and
allowed well being to flow i know i can
make the choice to let that i
go i can make the choice to let tat
go a
and enjoy this right now i
i can let that go i know itsl
easy to enjoy ife and allow it to flow
to flow to flow to flow through me
to flow through me i feel good now i do the owrk
and i feel good now its easy to turn the boat
to make the choice to allow
magick to flow in my life
i made the choice to let that go i
i made the choice to let that go
and nmrk
i decided to let that go
and say nmrk
i know its a blessing that helps me
know my vibration is wrapped around something
and its easy to change my tune its easy to
sing the tune
in the key of god
sung i the key of god sung
in the key o fgo d
and i know its that easy t
just like that th
juat like that its
tis easy to feel better
just like that its easy to
to feel better and all i can eer
ever do is focs
focus in my own vortex i know
all i can ever do is look toward my own
vortex and sing in the
tune of god
its easy t allow the
sould to sing
its easy to allow the sould to singa
to allow the sould to sing through me to alow
god to sing through me n
and to know
its easy to knwi am taken care of
its easy to mno
i don’ thgave
hve to strice i
i don’t have to wonder
if i am okay and life is taking
taking care of me it
t’s just
that easy to turn the
energy and i know it’s only m e
i know its easy to turn the
because its only ever me
iknow this
iknow this
iknow this
i know
i know this is i know this
i know
i know
i know that it’s only ever
me iknow
i get to allow the flow of
well being i know i can
turn my attention away from
it i can
turn my
attention toward wel being
well being and let it go i know
i can let it go an allow well being
i can do i can believe in myself and i can
believe in the flow i know
i trust the o
i know that god is always taking care of
me and i can trust that i know al that m
all that matters
is attention to my vortex
and when the internal battle isnt there
neither is the external one
i know the owrk l
the work always works i know
taht ti am god and when i realize that
the internal battle ceases
i know i am god i know i am god i knw
i am god and life is
created for me i kn
i kow i never havet o worry