all i can do is tune into the magic
to trust life to trust god to trust god to flow
to trust god to flow
i trsut god to flow to and through me i trust
the flow i trust god i
today i am ntuend i
tuned intot he magic
i am tuned into the magick and
that’s all i cand o today i can allowt he magick to folow
to lfow thorugh me
i am tuned nto the magic
i feel the feeling i want to feel and i nkow thas up to me
i know god is the source i nwo that
wen i see that and when i feel that i now
my moment is always coming i ilove that i dont have to dcare
thank you thankyo
the magick
the magic
i get to wkawe
wake up feeling the magic i get to wke
up feeling the feeling the
i prefer to love i prefer to love
i prefer to
be teh source the
i prefer to love
always a
chance to use my magic
my magick
use the magick the preference
the preference is the preference
i can choose teh moment
direcct path i choosee the direct path
i choose the fire
direct path i choose the direct path
ad a
and allow h
the rest to unofld
i choose the direct path
and allow the rest to unfodl
i can alwys use the magick
i cn always
trust the flow the flow the
feeling the feeling the
the feeling of god is here now
the direct path i pprefer
prefer to feel the feeling of god
and i knwo it i knwo the
my consciousness of
the presence of god within me
is my supply
my consciousness of the presence
of god within me is my supply
my consciounsness of teh presence of god within me is my supply
i draw into my