today is a good day

to feel good its a good day to feel my power to allow my power its a good da to
feel and not htink its a good day to feel the feelig

the feeling behind the thoughts and know
that is all there is to know that my aubndance

all of my abundance
its a good day to have a good day to know the truth to focus on the truth its a good
day to feel the truth to know the truth
its a good day

today is a good day and its
up to me to say so to look for what i wante d
to see

to look for satisfaction
to sflow
float downstream
to say yes to sl

float downstream

its a good day to feel enthusiasm
its a foo
good day to trust god to know god
its agood

good day to know its and trust god
grateufl to start the day right

grateful to feel good nwo

its a good day to look for what i want
to feel gofocus tof
focused on what i want to see to remember the truth of lei
tody is a good day to

remember the one and only truth
if you think
you dont’ know

if you’re thinking you dont kow

thank you for this day for this moment
i love waking up

i love that i knwo i love that
i know the one aond only truth and i get to feel
it i lovve that i ge tto do the work the only work

gods working knowing that
the feeling efore thinking is all thre is
today all i can do is know

today all i can do is know and when i do
im relaxed

today i feel the feeling before
thoughts today i feel the

before thought
i dont have to think
just feel

just feel my power just
feel my poweer just
feel my power

all i can do is know if i thin
i dont know and all i can ever do

is know

i loe that i get to choose me today
i love feeling free i love
feeling the energy of me
i love
feeling the enery

of mei love that i dont care i love

i love feeling the power of me i love knwoing
the poweer of me i loe knowing the thep woer me
i love htat i

get to feel it here and now
and now

i love that i know the power of me that
i get to choose knwoig and when im

thinking i dont know

when im thinking im tryint to solve something or figure it out
and when im thinking i don know

today i get to choose knwoing i am

brave enough to let knwoing be everything
ia m

brave enough tot od the work that work s
to work on me

i am brave enough to love myself
and cheer myself on!!

and root for myself!!

and support myself!!!

that’s all i can ever do is be aware of hw i talke
obut myself in my mind i love that i ge tot i love tha ti get to learn
i love that i get to break this pattern thak you god

for elpi

helping me break this pattern

today i get to do the work the only work the only
work the on

the only truth i get to let those po

oppressive thought god i

i get toelt them go i get to feel the power of me
i get o real

to release and feel how i want to feel i my life
i get to take m

back my life i get to
take back my life

i take back my life i take back knowing
i take back the power of em and i dont e

give it away i love
that i dont ccare i loe that i
dont care i love tha

it atht id ont care i love that
get ti gt to break this cycle i love that i getot
to i love that i get to i love that i know

nothing is missing i love
that i know i don’t have to think aboutt hat
i dont

don’t have to think about that i

have to think about that

thinkin is not knoin

feelig is knowing the truth

the knowing of the truth and that’s
all there is that’s all i can
do is

feel the knowing of the truth
feel the knowing
of not thinking
the freedom of nothi
knowing that tis just the chatter

the cchatter is the misery
the ch

chatter is the misery and i never tn
need the chatter

without the chatter im free
without the chatter im free

with out the cchatter im free

i know this is the only work the feeling
is theo nly work knowing the

truth is the only work knowing the truth

is the


knowing is the nly work
knwoign is the only wor
thak you god

thank you for the opportunity to knwo
to let it all god
to sink into life
to choose to choose my power today
to know my power today
to know that im creating it

im choosing to feel bad over good
becaue its easier
ad more comfortalbe
and i can trust it
so i keep reat
creating that but its only ever me
creatigin it

today im brave enough
to expect the best

to be aware of what im creating

today im brave enough to releasae thought
and just acept

to release no and feel yes say eys to v
everything that is to invit the feeling of god
back into my life
to make

god my one and nly focus
my entire focus and tha’s the only
ansewr to everything

turn back to god
to the god self is the only anser

the silence
is the only answer
release the chatter and there’s heaven
you alreayd have it