today is a good day

it feels good to feel good to
want to feel good it feels good to

to feel good to want to feel good to feel the
energy of life flowing through me and let go
of ther est i s

it feels good to feel good to feel elevated to do thew ork it

the work it feels good to to the work the only wor it fe
feels good to do the only work to do the only work
that matters it

it feels good to feel

lifted it feels good to feel lifted to feel the flow flowing through me

i love this day i love i love this day i love
this day i love this day i love that

i get to feel excited i love that ig et to
to feel in alignment with my best self
allow my best self to flow allow
my best lif to flow through me

i love that i don’ thave to care and that
i know it’s only ever me it’s only ever the magick of me

and i love that i can uplift myself i love
that i can up lift myself

i love that i don’ thave to
to care i love that i don’t have to care i lovethat
that i don’t have to care i love that

i can let it go i love

that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good i love where i am right now where ia m right

right now i love
where i am right now i loe the
the power of me i love the
power of me i love feeling good and allowing the energy
to flow through me i love

waking up feeling good and wanitng
wanting to have a good day i love that
i know it’s only ever me i love
that i know it’s only ever me i am
the creator

and what i am creating

makes me feel acertain
way and that is my indicator

how i feel is my indicator and i get to choose
how i feel how i think
what i focus on i get to choose what i focus on

and i can

refuse to suffer i can refuse to suffer i love that i know i love
that i know i love tha ti know i love that
i know i love that i know i love

that i know i love that i know i love that i know that i get
to choose how i feel i love that i never have to
care i love that

i get to feel how i wnat o i love i love that
i get to feel the magick flowing through me i love

that i get to feel the magick flowing through me

i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love i love

i love that i
it’s not my problem and that
i can just choose to get in the vortex
about it i can choose how i feel

and everything in life is an indicator
i know this i know that the closer
i am to source the easier my life is i know that
life is good for me i know tha tlife

life is good for me i know that

life is good for me i know that life
is good and i can let the rest go i can

can allow myself to heal i can allow myself to
let it go i can allow myself to

to heal i can heal myself i can

allow myself to heal and if eel
excited about that knowledge i love that i
get to feel good that i get to feel good
that i

get to feel the energy flowing through me
that i get to get in the vortex and then
that i get in the vortex and then

i love doing this work and making the choice
i love that i know i can always make the choice how i feel
and i get to

make the choice not to care what happens
i get to make the choice
to follow my own vortex i get to make the choice
to follow my own vortex

i get to make the choice to feel good
i get to

make the choice to feel good i get to make
the choice to feel good i get to feel good

i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i never have to care i love that i

don’t have to care i can just get in the
vortex and then
i can choose to feel good now matter
what i can choose the vibration

of what i want i can choose to feel good
i can choose to feel the flow flowing through me
i can choose

not to go there i get to choose how i vibrate i get to
choose how i vibrate i get to choose
to focus on how

not worry about other people’s livs
i can

i can choose to know i can choose to know that life
is good i can choose to know that life is good i can choose

to know that life is good i can

choose to know that life is good i can choose to knwo that
life is good can choose to know

that life is good i can choose

it’s only ever me i know it’s only ever me
i know it’s only ever me i can

i can expect the best
all i can do is look for the best and allow
the rest to unfold i can

look for the best and know
i can look for the best and allow the rest to unfold
i can

look for the best and
allow the rest to unfold i can look for the best
and allow the rest


i’m still mad
still so mad at my brother
and my dad

for being so

incredibly ignorant

morons in my eyes

and ugh it’s really hard to love
when you hate someone

i really do i hate them
i hate how dumb and ignorant they are

and how they only care about themselves
and i want to be like ugh wake the fucks up

but it’s really not my problem

their lives are not my problem
and i have to choose not to care

that’s all i can do is choose not to care