today i look for the magick
and i allow it to manifest by knowing that i never
have to doubt and knowing that god
is giving me everything i want as long
as i never doubt it is on the way
as long i trust god
then god delivers
and i love that i know this
i love that today is a good day!
i love that there is always more tna en
than enough and we got to get donuts!!!
i love that life is good here in cle
i love that life loves me!!
i love doing this work i love that i can
always always always
use the magick
i love doing this work i love
knowing that this is the only work
i love that i feel better i love
that i feel good i love that i feel great i love
enjoying this day i love that i she
can do it i love that i
can feel good now!!!
i love doing this work i love that i know this is the only work
i love that she
or they
brought in the cans!!
i love that i’m excied about the snow
i love that i love wher ei a
where i live i love that
we have one warm room
in our house
i love doing this work i loe doin doing the magick work
i love seeing the magick of life flow
through me i love that i know life
is magick and i get to chosoe the
choose the version i prefer
i love doing this work i love feeling good i love
feeling the energy of life
flowing through me i love
that there is so much to love to feel good about to
celebrate i love that i get to celebrate my life
i love that ig et to
get to enjoy my life
i love that life is good i love
that there’s always mroe th
more than enough
i love doing this work i love
feeling energized by life i love feeling the
god self flow through me i love
feeling good and knowing
feeling good is all there is i love that
i can always trut
trust the flow
trust the feeling trust the god self
trust the magick of life i love remembering the magick of life
and feeling that feeling of knowing it
flow into my body
i draw into my mind
and feeling nature the very substance of spirit
this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of teh
presence of god within me is my supply
so grateful i know i get to choose
knowing so grateful i gt to
get to choose knowing i get to choose to knoe
to know my success i get to choose
to know i get to choose to know it
this substance is my supply
i love that i know i know the magick of life
and i know it is all
based on where my energy is focused
and it’s my choice to
choose the version i want
and to knot
not think about any other version