today is the energy

i know that the day is the energy that
everything is energy i know that it’s al lenergy
and i can let the energy go i can let it go
and say tyahnk y

thank you and i love you and
enjoy life today i make the promise to myself

to enjoy life

i love that today i get to enjoy life
feeling my inner child
celebrate life today i get to celebrate life

because life is good today i get to allow the healing
energy to

flow through me today i get to decide today i get to deicde to

feel good today i get to feel good today i get to celerate
life to feel

my true self
to feel the celebration of my true self
i can feel that some

something built up inside me
out of hate and resentment for someone else
that isn’t iin my life

anymore and i can feel myself letting that
hate and resentment go

and replacing it with love ican
replace it wiht love with love and i can
do it


i can replace it with love and i
can do it for my health for me i
am doing it for me and it feels good

i love feeling good i love feeling go

the flow today ifeel g
i feel good today i love myself today i love
the day today i love

life andi know
i knwo it’s all only ever energy
and i love that i get to make the choice
to call
allow the energy to flow to feel the flow
on this

blessed day i love that i today i
get to make the choice to love today

my best self will flow through me
today i will allow life to flow through
me to allow love to flow through me

today i am
