too focused to live that way

too focused on god on my zone
on my zone too focused on my zone to live that way

i’m focused i’m focused on the god self
and i am too focused to allow anything to sway that

focus this focus i know that this
focus is the only work and i am focused on it

i amfocusedo n the focus and nothing else the feeling
and nothing else and i allow myself to feel it and i always

also allow myself to bask in the right now
how much i can focus on this writing is good evidence of my focus

can i sit here and focus and do this writing
without getting distracted

can i refuse to suffer can i always
turn m
back to god and refuse all the thoughts w
that would have me wandering infinitely and never arriving to
where i am right now i

i amf ocused

focused on the focus

i’m too focused to live like that
too focused to live like that and i love it i love that
i get to feel it i love that
i get to feel i

i trust the ebb i trust the ebb
and if eel it
i feel it

i trust the ebb

i am focused on the focus on the feleing
on choosing how i want to feel right now
knowing thta’s
that’s the ol

only action i can ever take
and i know that this is the
cleansing of the mind of the vibration of the feeling
the fitness of the mind and i

and it always works i can do it i can focus and i know the power
of it i do it right now id o it right now

i am toof ocus

focused on

focused on god focused on the good life the feeling
the goof feeling
the feeling the vibration of god i a

in tune with it

i’m here i’m here and i’m focused i ‘m here with god choosing
i’m here with god w
feeling and knowing tht when its desired its mead

made i kno

i know that wehn its desired its made i love that
i know this i love that i knowt his i love that
i knowt his

i love that i knowt this

i am here am here i am here focused on the focus i know the
feeling of the focus i know the feeling of teh focus i know the
feeling of the focus and

life helps me focus life helps me ask
life helps me

life helps me ask life helps me
align life helps me tune im

i’m here tuning i’m here tuning
tuning how i feel i’m

here tuning how i feel because how i feel
creates how i feel creates my life and i know this
and the ultimate feeling
the god feeling is the feeling of

knowing this truth knowing that i am the
god self the one and only creator of all of this
i love that i get to see it
that i get to feel it
that ig et to feel it

so graetful i got paid!!

and i kwo that it was the energy that did it
and nothing else i mean
yeah the physical stuff helped

me believe it i geuss

i know thep ower of me i know the power of life
and i celebrate it i celebrate life
i am focused on the god self and

i feel it now i feel it now i feel it
now i feel it now i feel it now i feel the
feeling right no i

i feel the feeling right now

i am focused i am focused i am focuse f

i m

i am focus i am god i am god i am god

god god god god god god god god

god god god

trusting thismoment this flwo

this fflow

relaxing into me

i’m here .

it’s me god, me.

it’s me, god.

i can focus i can focus i can focus i can focus
i can focus i canf cous i can

focus i cna focus i can
focus i can focus i can

i am focus i am focus
i am focused i am focused i am too focu

focused i am here tuning i am here tuning

i am tuned i am tuned i am
excited i am exicted ia m
in alignment

i am here becuae i want to feel the feeling of god
know the feeling of god remember the feeling of gof

tune myself to the feeling of god tune msyelf to the
feeling of god

money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited

therefore my supply is unlimited

my awareness
understanding and knowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind with in me

is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is unlimited
therefore my supply is unlimited

i love the feeling i love the feeling of l
the feeling of knowing and i know that

hs nothing to do with how mcuh action i take or

how many emails i send how

,uch action i take orho m

many emails i send and i know this i

its t

is true all there is is thef low
all there is is god is the feeling
what is it causing you to ask for

what is it causding me to ask for

for it to be done
for me to not have to tod
to do it

to want to do it
for it to be easy
to get sales to believe in our sales!!

yes the feeling i get to feel the
feeling i get to feelthe fe

the feeling i get to feel the feeling i get to feel the
the feeling i get to
feel the feeling i

get to


i get to choose thep ower of me it get to tap into
and celebrate the tp

power of me i ge tto choose the version i create
and i know that

it’s atht easy i thank life
for m

reminding me
for helping me rememberin

i know the body is a genius