
i know my power is in my ability
to turn the energy around to put
as much energy as i am putting toward negative
thoughts towards positive ones

towards what i prefer just turn that energy
into something else i know this is my power
and i know i’ts up
to me to turn it
to focus on what i want

i love feeling love i love
i love that i am loved i love that i am
cared for i love when i want to
work out i love when i feel active i love
feeling energized i love waking up
feeling good i love

believing in myself i love believing in life
i love that i know life is carrying me

thank for this here and now i love
that everything is working out perfectly i love
that i love my life i love that i
feel calm in my life i love
that i get to feel good i love

feeling energized i love doing the only work
that matters i love that it’s easy to get in the
vortex and then i love that it’s easy to feel good about life
i love making the choices that
feel good i love feeling good about myself and i love doing the work
that i know feels good i LOVE

making choices that feel good i love
giving a gift to myself i love amik

i love doing the work that feels good
i love that it feels good to feel good
i love that i
get to celebrate me i love feeling
the power of me i love feeling
the magick of me
i love feeling the energy of me

flowing through me i know it’s all me
i love feeling the magick of life and knowing
and celebrating that i don’t have to care
i love that i can choose to do me to
turn the energy around i love that
i know the secret to life and it’s

how you feel i know that all that matters
is how i feel and that this
work helps me feel good

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to do whatever i want
and i love that

that i know life supports me i love that
we make $100/day i love that it’s that easy
just make the choice i lovethat
that i feel good about that i love that i
feel good aobut that ilov

i love that i get to do the work i love
that i get to do the work i love tha t
i t

that i get to love me i love feeling
at ease in my life i love trusting
everything that heppen

happens i love
getting it all out i love
that i don’t have to feel ashamed
or embarrassed

i love that i get to be flly

fully me and i odn’

don’t have to care what anyone else is
doing or what they think

i love that i get to make the coice
the choice to do what i know its best

is best

for me i love that i get to do the work

to let it all go dna

go and elevate my vibration it feels good to raise
my vibration it feels good to
feel good to feel good it feels good
to feel good

so grateful to feel good to wake up feeling
good to feel the energy of life

so grateful for money to pay for fests!!

to see the magick all around
me i love that i know the magick is
in everything i love that i
get to make the choice to
feel good about life and i love that
this o

work helps me do it i know that
everything is the feeling i love
feeling good i love feeling good and i don’t have
to be afraid to feel good i

i don’t have to hold myself back

i don’t have

to hold myself back anymore

i can fully go for it!!!


today i intend to fully crush it
todday i

i am fully crushing it

i love fully crusing it

crushing it and what that measn is

means is fully allowing the flow to
flow through me it feems

means fully allowing the flow to flow
through me it fe

it means jumping into the
the vortex it means doing me only
caring about what i want
and what feels good to me
it feels good it feels good to
do me to see the

magick in everything



today i intend to allow myself the
fully enjoyment of life
i am allowed to enjoy life i am

allowed to love myself and look for the
magick in life i love that iam

allowed to spend every moment
celebrating the

magick of life i am allowed to celebrate life
and konw that

that today is agood day


its my choice
t all

to fully allow god to flow thorugh me

through me it feels good to knwo
that i

that i am always getting what i want
to do the work and have the perspective

it feels god to do the only work t
hat m

that matters and feel good now
i know that all i can ever


is feelg ood

good now in this here and now

and that is all there is

i love that life is eays i l

i love that life is easy in the
flow i love that i get to feel
the flow in this here and now

i am allowing the flow
and life is easy

in the flow

i love that i know i love

that it’s easy to trust life i love
that it’se

easy to trust life and just
feel good now

let go of the rest and feel good now



i am allowing my
self in this here and now
i love myself

i love myself

in this here and now

and it feels good