try again

looking for ways to feel good
to drop it to

flip the swithc
its esay to decide to feel good to have fun
to look for wha i want to see
to choose what i prefer

choose what i prefer so grateful for
everything that i havve

i get to feel good i get to feel good

its so easy to be aware of
the version i create
its so easy to

be aware of the thoughts and emotions
its so easy to flip the switch to hopw

how i want to feel when i know that the
feeling crates life

creates life i have to i have to choose
i ch

i have to make the choice to
take responsibility for the version i create

i havet o

i have to i have to choose to align with
the version i prefer

the feeling is right here
whe the wne

when the rubber ban is releaed
and attention
and focus re

at ease
at cetner not lookint outwardly

bliss lready exists pure love alredy exists

love is here with me love

is me love is me love is me

god is love i know the feeling of love
its nothing in the way i know the feeling

and its when nothing is in the
way i know the feeling and its when nthing
nothing is in the whay

way i choose teh feeling as the roucs
source knowing that its never ouside otside outside of me
knowing that its never

nothing outside of me
will ever be it and im

so grateful iknow that i
that i hve god in the here and now that i remember the feeling of the

of god al

of aligning

of alinging

the relesae
the feeling of certaitny

so grateful to be surrounded by love
so grateful
to be surrounded by love
so grateful to knowim the

of infintie love so grateful
for everything in my life

to wake up feeling good to wake up
celebrating life
to wake up joyous

wake up joyous knowig the dy
will be beautiful
knowing the infinite now is always beautiful

that the feeling is always right

here with me


the feeling is always

right here

with me

the feeling of knowig the feeling of certaint
and when i come h

here i practice it and i know it
and i remember it i remember the power of i

tap ito the powe of it and i come here o
re up my power i come here to charge my power

im here chargint he my pwoe and i can

i charge it by feeling god but feelinglove
by feeling knwoing but

by feeling knowing i charge it by feeling knowing

i charge it by feeling knwoing andi nkwo th
i know this is true i know that life

shows me i know that
life shows me i charge it by
feeling knwoig i charg

by feeling knowing i know it
i come here to know i t i come here to knwo it
to flip it to practice it

to be braveen
enough to use it i come here to remember
to be brave enough to use it

i get to choose i get o choose the
version i prefer
and its fun to create it and know that it is

its fn
fun to flip the switch
o be so
i practice to know hat i
m the mast

i ;am the
am the master of how i feel i am
the master of saying yes
i am
the master

of feeling goof feeling good dfe
feeling the feeling allowing tah feeling aloowing
the feeling waking up feelig teh

mlking milking the feeling knowing the feeling
knowing that life is perfect knowing the better it gets knowing
that life is always on my sdie

charge my power by
aligning with the feeling
i know for sure
this is all there is

only life knows and i trust life

only life knows and i trust life

the feeling of oh shri
of giving it over to life
to knowig for sure
that the feeling of knowing
it makes it e

there its true i knows its true
its true i know tis true