when you do something to avoid pain

it will bring up pain within you and i’m so glad
i am learning to deal with the pain that is deep down

i love that today is the best day of my life
i love that i am learning to feel good building
up a tolerance for feeling good i love

doing this work knowing it is always this work
knowing that i am the watcher i am the

thing behind the thoughts i am not my thoughts
i am not my life

my life experience is me.

and i know this for a fact and i love doing the work to feel closer to this truth
to truly enjoy this

to bask in this turht
i love

that i know for a fact

that my only responsibility is to be aware of the
fact the truth that the divine consciousness that
i am is forever expressing it’s true nature of abundance

is it’s responsibility not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident in
letting go and letting go

appear as the abundant all sufficiency in
my life and affairs

today i do the work to be aware
of my only responsibility
when is

knowing that i am divine consciousness that
is continuoysly

continuously expressing itself
and i am addressing the pain deep doing

and ealing
dealing with it

and letting it go and it feels good to let it go
to know i am not the one making life happen it feels good to focus
and get out of the way it feels good to get in the vortex
and then

it feels good to get in the the

the vortex
to let it all go to let it all go i love
that i can let it all go in this right now i a

love that i am here in the here and now
i am at heart conscious

and that

heart center and that is my only job
is to remain calm in the here andnow

and just be aware just
aware i am calm in this here and now and
and i am the energy of me i am the energy of me i know ia m

the divine consciousness that i am is
forever expressing it’s true nature of abundance

is it’s responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in
letting to and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

today i am letting go and letting go
today i don’t care today i

feel good today ia m me
i am me today i am

i am here nwo i am here now
i know i know i know i know i know

i am not my mind i know i am not
my mind i know i ma not

am not my mind

i know that i am god
energy i know that i am god energy and today i cl

celebrate the knowledge
today i look for evidence of improvementtoday

today i let go of the wall i’ve build around the pain
today i let go of the pain today i allow myself to feel
the pain instead of pushinging ti

it down

today i feel relief and the more
i seek myself the more i find her


the more i seek myself the more i find that connection and i know
connection is my only job

the vortex is my lon

only lob th

job the vortex

i feel good i feel good in this here and now
i feel like my best self in this here and now
and this is my only job

turn it around within
i love that i kno wthis is

this is my on

i feel the flow lfowing
flowing through me i feel the flow
flowing through me i feel the

flowing through me i feel good in my body i feel good
in my life i feel good in this day i feel good in this h

it feels good to do this work
to know this is my only work to know
this is my only


it feels good to know this is my only
it feels good to know it

feels good to relax into the know
to know the feeling and practice it

to get there to know i am already there to know that
this is my only

job connection
is my only job


the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing it’s true nature of abundance

this is it’s responsibility not mine

my only responsbility is t
is to be aware of this truth

therefore i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god

appear as the abundant

all suffiency in my life
today i am celebrating that fact
knowing this truth today i am knowins this

this truth and letting go of the rest today
i feel good today i am lookinf

for what i want to see and celebrating
that it already is today i feel
connected to life today i am
in the moment
of life allowing this moment
this moment
to be the even horizon
today i make the choice to feel good
to not follow the disturbance

today i feel at peace in my life

i can do it i can do it i can do it i can
do it

i believe in myself

i can drop resistant thoughts
i can be aware of my thoughts feelings and emotins
and decide how i want to feel

i believe in myself i believe that
i can look for what i want to see

i can look for something else i can look for what
i want to see ic an

attract the method the

i know i am a match i know i am a match i know i get
to celebrate hti
this day i get to celebrate this day

iget t

it’s not me