yes i have a bad attitude

yes i have i bad attitude
yes i dont wnat to go yesd i want my life back

all i can do is let go and get out of the way
becuae i have to go i already said i would i already
said i would but i dont have to care

i cn

jsut watch all i can doi s
is watch all i can do is
watch i

all i can so id watch i
all i can do is watch

all ic an do is wach
all i can do is watch all i can do is
get touf
out of the way all

all i can do is get out of the wa
all i an do
is get tou fo

of the way and allow life
to happen because i already said i would

becuaase i already said

all i can do is give up
all i can do is

dissassociate until its over

i have ma

hate making msall
small talk i h
dont really like having to entertain children
i have

hate having to ata
talk to people whne im
high i hate watching tv

i hate too much noise

i really hate small talk
i hte being somewhere for no reason

i hate that i care i hate
that i care ihate
that i resist everything i hate that i care
what she thinks

i hate that i care waht she thinks
i hate
that i have to helpl her
because she puts herself in these siturations

if im suffering im seeking
just overr it im really over the birthday party
really over it

really really over it
i hate over planning

so much
so fucking much

i really really hate it

over engineered

i give up i give up
i have to go so i mishgt

might as well accept it
like a prison sentence

nd just ride it out

all i can do is ride it out
all i c

i can do is ride it out all
i can do is give up all i can do is
not thinkng ab

think abbout it
all i can do is stay home

ll i
all i can do si
is stay home

all i can do is stop opening my mouth

if im suffering im seeking
if im suffering im

if im suffering im seeking if im

im seeking i know this
i know this i know this
i know this

i know this

this kno i know this i knwo the truth
and i can trsut

return to it easily
i know i dont care id ont

have to care i give up
i said i would help my friend
and im going to

and then im never opening my mouth again haha

at least i can let it
go at least i can let it

at least i can let it go

all i can

all i can do is give up
all i can do is

is give up all ic an do is give and
just watch

just gve
give p just stop lookint o
outside of me and realx in

in the here and now
just igive up

i give up i give up caring
ill just get through it

its all i can do is check out and
just get throuh it and try not
to let anything get to me along the way

its all i can do

all i can is check out a

all i can do is check out all
i can do is check out

all i can do is check out

all i can do is give up and
try to enjoy try to

break free all i can do is try to break
free try o find

find a way to have fun
when i have such a bad attitude
i hve a really bad attitude

i have a bad attitude
and i dont want to do it
i feel obligated
and i hate it i hate pretending to like people

i hate pretending to like
people i hate pretending to care

i hate talking for no reason

just let it go juet
get through it just get through it

just get through it just get through it

i give up its all i can do
all i can do is give up all i can do is give up
thinking and just ride

just ride because its all i can do
ll i want to do is is tat
sit a

in my own house alone

all i wnat to do is sit in m own house alone

i give up and that’s all i can do
i know all i can is

give up all i can is give up
i cant plan it i
i cant control i cant try

i can’t figure it out i can
feel better i cant have fun

all i can do is give up
i give up trying i give up caring about anything ill
just watch

i just watch ill jsut wathc
i give up w

thinking anythin gaobut myself

i just ive p
i give up

i give up caring i give up resisting

just watch idk wahts
whats going to ahppen but ill cc

accept it whateer
whatever it is

it si

i give up i give up caring
and just trust the flow i

trust the flow of life and i ive up
give up i give up

i give up creating what i dont want

giving attention to what i dont

if i cant feel for what i prefer

i can’t allow myself to see the
version i prefer

then i can at least give up
thinking about what i dont want

i give up i give up thinking
i give up

thinking i dont have a head to think
about it withi

i dont have ahead
to think about it with