a change in feeling is a change in destiny

i get to choose i get to choose how i feel
how i wlak t

walk through life how i walk through life how i walk
through life i get to chooe how i feel about it and i f

if i ontice myseld caring
that’s a sign i’m out of alignment
i get to choose i how i feel rightnow

how i celebrate my life right now

the feeling is the secret
so grateful for this day why
even think about that when there’s so much
to be grateful for and maybe that’s part o

of the upper limiting but oh well

i’m aware!
i’m aware of how i feel !
that everything is going my way

aware that everything is going my way!

i’ awa

i’m aware that everything i sgoing my i
is going my way i’m wa

aware of all that i have to celebrate
and i love that i get to choose to

fly high to feel good to feel good
to love life to celebrate life

so grateful for distros!

for good news!

to see it obviously play out
to play out so obviously
i love seeing it play out so obviously

i love that there is so much to celebrate i love that
i get to expand into the moment and say
thank you for all that is in this here and now

thank you thank you thank you
i love that i’m already here

i’m expanding to feel this
moment i’m

expanding in this moment
i’m expanding to fill this moment

i’m expanding to fill this moment
i love this moment i’m gratefulf orth
for this oment
i kno wthat i all i can ever do is feel that
it el

already is feel that it already is
and i love that i love that
i get to choose to feel that

i get to choose teh feeling now and know that
is only

the only souliton there is

the feeling is the secret and that’s

why i get to choose it right now
and its just like counting

it takes practice and awareness

and i can just return rith
right to the feeling

i can just return to the feeling
dont need to beat myself up for being out
or for making up false narratives

of for fixating

or making smoething out of nothing
or for mp

picking on myself
because i am aware of thos things and i am
able to let them pass and te


return to my position
beneath the sea

return to center to knowing
knowing that life only reflects me and to let it
go knowing that life only

reflects me and to let it go

i love that i know that life
helps me i get to choose the
feeling choosing it now hcoose

choosing it know
now and knowing it represents all of life
so grateful to get to

celebrate this day
to get to milk this day
so grateful to get to milk this day

milk this oment milk this moknow


so grateful to let it all go
to go back to release to not care to center
myself in my own experience
to choose to

to choose feeling good nw to know that it
all comes fromt he feeling to
be grateful for the feeling so

grateful to feel grateful for the feeling
so grateful to feel good to feel the flow
right now to feel good right now

so grateful to chosoe me to

choose the flow
choose the good life choose the good life
and only put attention where i want it

to be grateful to knwo
that it always flows life always flows life c
alwayrs c

creates in reflection
with the feeling it feels good to milk the feeling to choose the
feeling right now
to choose the feeling righ no

to have access to it to love it to love it
to choose the feeling right nwo

the feeling of the flow the feeling of the
flow the feeling of god kno

of knowing that i am god
the bravery to choose andl et it
all go to recognized when i’m trying and let it
go the

bravery to recognize when i’m trying
and let it all go di love
i love that i get to choose teh feeling right now

that i know reality is subjective

i know that reality is subjective

i love me i love the power of me today
i’m celebrating the power of me and whe

what life helps me do is focus
the contrast helps me fcous

on the version i prefer and i prefer to

celebrate me right now
i prefer to celebrate me right now

i prefer to celebrate me i prefer to love
me i prefer to feel the feeling of loving me i love me
i love that i get to feel the god feeling
that i get to cneter

center myslf in the god feeling the
god feeling the god feeling the

feeling is all there is feeling
i love that i know

i love that the contrast helps me
put my focus when i want

where i want it i love that the contrast helps me focus wher ei anw
where i am

where i want to

the contrast helps me focus
where i want to and i love that i am aware
and the contrast helps me be aware
and i know
that it can literally only

reflect me so

whatever i want

it’s up to m e i

it’s up to me
it’s up to me

it’s up to me

whatever i want just choose

why am i acting like its not up to m???

that its outside of me???

that is the issue here!!

not anything else and the sooner i act on that knowledgee
the sooner i feel what i want and then
rest doesn’t matter

the feeling is all that mattes and i’m
milking the feeling i’m milking the feeling and i’m saying yes!!

thank you!

i’m saying yes thank you!