the contrast helps me feel the feeling

why am i acting like i dont know
the truth??


i know the truth and i know its all me
so i can just choose and let it go

i choose and let it go
and turn my energy toward what i like and what i want more of

i love feeling part of something
i love feeling the energy i love appreciating
life i love loving my life i love
feeling the ease and flow

i love the feeling of relaxing on the porch

i love feeling the

ease and flow of mei love that i
get to choose and this is ehlping me do that

i know that life helps me do it and its
exciting because when i’m forced to use the magick

the magick always works

i love that i’ve let the go
and that i’m focusoing
on god now on center now on how i feel
right now i get to choose love and know
that life only refelcts
me i choose love and then

life is easy life is so easy when i choose love
and i love that this work helkps me do it

i know t

k now that thiss is the only work

i love this work i love that life helps me
do this work and its os

so much easier to choose

grateful to get addicted to a new thoughts
grateful to feel the feeling of go

to relax into the feeling to allow the feeling
to acknowledge the feeling created it and know its only

ever the feeling its only ever the feeling

i love that there’s always more than
enough i love that god loves me

i love that i know a
the secret to life
i love that

that i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge tha t
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuously
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow
i am now addicted to a new thought
i am

now addicted to a new thought i am now a
addicted to a new thought i
and it’s hat

that easy

that easy that easy that easy its’ it’s
that easy
its’ that easy

the feeling creates all of life
and i love that i know ths i love how easy
it is to choose teh feeling
i want i have

the feeling i want i have the
feeling i want i have the
feeling i want i know that the feeling
creates all of life i know it i know the feeling
is always

here with me

i am it i am the feeling i am life i am
life i am life i am life i am all of life and
i know this i know ths i get to choose
the feeling and the

nothing else matters nothing esle mattes
and i love that i ge

that i know that i ge
that i get to do this work so grateful for the time and spacce to rea

relax into this feeling this life
so grateful to realx

relax into

into this feeling thiis
feeling this feeling this feeling this feeling

this feelin the connectin

with god
is this one the bus is this on the bus
is thiss downsteam

im creating a problem that doeesnet exist!


and i wanted this i knwo i created it with the
feeling wanting those old feelings
and i relaxing

realize what thoss old feelings are and i
realized now that i don’t have to feel them

and i know i change in feeling is a change in destiny

i know this i know i know this i know this

i love that i don’t care i love that
i’ve let it go forever that i trust the feeling
that i know it just doesn’t matter

it just doesn’t matter i love that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose and life hleps me

helps me do it

so much to celebrate!

so much to celebrate!!!!

so grateful for so much to celebrate
that life arranges itself around me i know it
always does i know it always

i know it always does