aligning with the god self

i love that i know that i can always
align with the god self i love that i know that
i can always align with the god self i love

doing the work i love
doing the work i love

doing the work i love feeling good i love
solutions i love

solutions i love that
i always get to choose i love
that i always get to sho

choose i can choose to align with my best self
and through
doing he work the

work i always align with my best self
i am allowing the
best version o fme to toflow

i am allowing my best self
i am releasing resistance
i am

releasing blockages

releasing pain i lio

i love that i can fee te
the pain g

and release ait
i love that i don’t have to
care what anyone thinks

my pain

i can feel good now i feel good now i feel good
now today

i am celebrating life

i am celebrating
