I don’t have to care

i don’t have to feel a certain
way i choose to have a good day

only i get to choose how i feel
i ‘m so grateful that
i kno that
i can alwayst uen myself
to the vibratio of me
i’m so glad i knw that

that only i can tune myself
so grateful to turn my attention to turn

where i’m facing so
grateful to feel good

to feel good

thank you for this here and now
thank you
for this here and now and now for this
ehre and now
i llv

i love that i know i can always
come back to center i can always
choose to celebrate life
for me i love that i can

always choose to celebrate life for me
i love feeling elevated i love
feeling good i love feeling good

i love feeling good i love
feeling good i love

feeling good i love
feeling good i love feeling good

i can always change my
tune and focus on my on journey i nkow
that what i focus on expands and i

can always turn my focus i love
that i know this for a fact i love tha i nkow
that i can always take responsibilty
for the

version i am creating i love that i
get to choose this i llv

i love that i get to choose
this i love
that i get to feel good get to love
get to send the signal of yes i love

that i get to love i love tha t
i get to love i love that
i get to love
i love
that i get to love i love that i

get to love i love tha i
get to love i love that i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good i love that
i get to feel good

i can focus in this here and now
i love that i ca

get to feel good now
get to feel the feeling i want to feel right now

i love that i never have to

have to wonder i never have to
look outside of me

i am celebrating that i never have
to blame

i am celebrating that i can always look
within and find what i seek find the sna

answers i seek i can do that
the work i can take it as

motivation to do m own tow

own work to place my focus
o what i want to ee to

to elevate my mind
and heart
to be aware to understand
and to know

that the diine prsene

i a

is the source and substance of all my good

i know this i knwo that this is fact
and coming here

helps me remember that
it helps me get back to

my best self
my best

feeling self i know

everything is
mky feeling self
i love that i now t
hia t

i love that i get to make
the choice
to feel good and i don’t have to
care a

or think about what anyone else thinks i love that

i get to feel good i love that i get to feel good now i love that i know
i can do i

i can feel good now i love doing the work
and remembering who i am
remembering my talents

my powers
i love remembering my powers i love
remembering my powers i love that
i get to choose i lovet hat

on the up and up i love that
i get to feel good that i can always tune myself
that i can

always come back to me i love that i can always come
back o me

the vortex version of me
the god version of me

i can always come back to the
god version of me

i can always come

back to the god version of me

i lovet hat i know the god version of
myself that it is always here and i can

just slip into it

i don’t need a reaosn
i dont’ need an excuse

i can just look for what i wan t
to see becuse

because i am a powerful witch
i love that i know this i love
feeling elevated i love that i don’ h

have to care i love that
i can alwys find the other side of the wave

i love that i can choose
to feel good for me

i love raising my vibration
i love rmember

remembering that’s all i can
ever do i love coming back to center

coming back to me i love

coming back to me

i love that i get to choose
to allow my best self and i can allow
the best sefl

right now

i get to feel how i want to feel right
now and i don’t hav to allow anything to

interfer with that i love that
i get to feel good no matter what i love
getting back to my ways i love

feeling good i love where i am right now i love
feeling good i love feeling good i love

feeling good i love that i get to choose
how i feel i love how

far i’ve come
i love releaseing resistance

i know that
i don’ thave to be afraid to let my guards

down and just enjoy life
i know that i can

get there
i kow that

i’m that

that i’m already there
and i don’t have

worry about

or wonder about what anyone else thinks
i cna enjoy life
for no reason

i get to cdelebrate this
day and i know that

is all there is

is cele
celbrating this
day i love

that i get to feel good i love
that i get to
to feel good i love that i get to feel good
i love that i get to feel happy i love

i get to feel happy i love tha
i get to feel good no matter what
i get to feel the feeling of

aligning with the version i prefer
and knowing it’s right there

knowing it already is