am i ever going to feel better

i dont think so i dont think so i think i goign to
feel like this forever

not good enough
not enough

i dont know what to do i dont know
how to feel better i feel so dpressed i dont
know wath to do i dont know how to feel
better i kndo
ti dont know how to feel better

i feel depresed and i dont know how to
feel better i feel sick my tummy hurts from stress
and im so tired

i just want to be left alone forever and
never have to talk to or see anyone

i guess id ont awn to feel better becuaes i could eaily
feel better i can easily just let it go i can easily
just let it go and top car

stop caring i can just let her go forever
i can just nnot think about it

can i just dro it forever if that’s the case then
just dro it forever and move on i cn drop
it forever and move ona nd that’s all i can ever do

all i can ever do is make the choic
to feel how i fee
want to feel all ican do is make the hcoice
to live my life for me
all ic an ever do is make t ehchoce
the choice
to to not think about it

all i cn o do today i sjust not think about it
just choose god today

entire focus on the god within
and that’s all i can do i take my mind and thoughts off this world

it shurst is hurts bad
everything is her and you dont an
want me thne you
dong get me

everything is her and you dont want me
you dont get me im done im really done for real

and i can celebrate i dont need anything
from anyone

entire focus on the god within
entire focus on the god within
as the only cause of my poweer

prosperity as the only cause of my prosperity

can i just hve fun
can i be a fun person can i enjoy the day
why cant i just havve fun
why cant i just have fun
instead of going

being a downer why do i hve to be such a downer

i have to stop thinking bout that

its’ always me its never not me its n
never not me im giving away my power i just keep doing
it hve to ds
stand up to my thoughts i have to staop
i have to find a way i have to find
away i

i have to find a way i have to find a way
to feel better to have a good day to
not be a drah i have to h
find a way to have fun and hav e agood attitude

what do i want what do i wwant wht do iwnat
to be free to be free i just wantt o be free

i can let it go forever i can let it go forever
i can let it go forever
i can transcend i can

can allow myself to transcend i can let go and enjoy lfie
it dotn’e

doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter that’s the
only thing that matters is nothing matters
how someone else see s me
my rold in someone elses likfe wi

will never matter its only me and i nkow this
its only me

and i know this

today i get to feel free today i
get to feel free today i am
free today i get to let everything go

today i get to let it all go
i can
be me i g tto be me i get to

be me i get to be me
i get to do me i get to

i want to enjoy my life i want to enjoy my life
i wnt

to enjoy my life