god is lavish

i love feeling the release of
returning to the here and now
i love feeling the choice to feel
at ease to

tell that intrusive thought the truth
and that’s all it is

it’s letting the intrusive
thought know it’s letting it know
that i know the truth and i won’t be listening to

its babble

i love starting the day
off right i love having a good day
by starting it off right
by turning the energy toward the truth

from the beginning of the day i love
that i can always feel the relief of the knowledge

i can always feel the veil lift
right now i love that i know i love that i kno w

all me and there’s no where to arrive

there’s no destination
because i’m already here and i love that i know this
i love that i know nohting

nothing has to change
and that life is perfect right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent substance
of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich ominpresent substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me
the reality of me

i know the truth and its that
while i feel tense
life is tense and the energy can’t flow
through because i’m blocking the flow


no matter what i have to find a way
to feel at ease in every moment
and when i’ve remembered this ability

i know i don’t need anything else
and all life is is the feeling
and i get to choose how i feel

i know the truth i know the truth
i know the feeling of connecting with god
andl etting

letting everything else go and when i do
i remember that i don’t need to get anywhere

i don’t need to do a single thing
i don’t have to force i don’t have to try i

don’t have to DO

just connect in totality with god
and i know this is the secret to life i know this
feeling is the secret to life i love tha ti know

i know that all of life is a feeling and
ic ome

i come here to practice that feeling
to remember i am the creator i

get to remember i am the creator and i get
to make it with the

emotions that i feel and my expectations
i love that i can hold the version i want
and the rest falls away

i love that i know this i smy oppwoer

is my power

its a noticing its an awarenes

its a devotion to how i feel

its a devotoin to

devotion to how i feel its a
devotion to how i feel

its a devotion to how i feel
and noticing that

as much as i can
really turning

tuning myself to that
really tuning myself to that

choosing the feeling right now
and that’s all there is that’s all there is
and the feeling is here so i n

i know i don’t need

anything else

the feeling is here so i know i don’t


anything else the feeling is here
so i know

the feeling is here and if i start to
feel bad ill know its because of my thoughts and
i can just return my thoughts to a good
feeling place and its not to

get any manifestations

its to

grateful for this night
for this moment ofr

for this infinite here and now
so grateful to connect to feel the
devotion of life so grateful i trust

unfolding of life i can always release the resistance
i can always

align totoally

totally with the god self
the creator self that it

that’s all it is is remembering ia m
the one and only creator

that i am everything and that
everything already is me
i know

i konw t
i know that everything already is me

i know the secret to life
i know the secret to life

and i can release the rest

i believed in lack and gave over my power
but no more today i claim my divine inheritance
as a child of god

my divine inheritance i claim
my divine inheritance i know that’s
all there is
i know that when i don’t care what comes

that’s whe it do

when it does and its not go
get anything
its to feel good

and at peace in

this here and he

my only job is to know god
my only job is to know god

and all ther eis

is devotion to god orno

or not and i love that i know this
i love that i am

brave enough to choose this
to choose my own personal power

i choose personal power right now
i choose to remember what i wam


when i am aware of the god self wihtin me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth
i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance is
eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of crative

creative energy which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

when i am aware of the god self within me

i am totally

as my total fulfillment
i am totally fulfilled

i know the secret to life
and its nothing i love that
i know

there’s nowhere to arrive
and i’m already here

i’m already here i’m
already here

i’m already


i know the secret to life!!!!

i know the secret to life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

i feel good now

and its just that easy
get in the mode
get tin the in the vortex and then its easy decide to have fun
and its esay t

decide to enjoy life and its easy

decide to have fun decide
to enjoy life and its eaty dec

decide to

god is lavish
unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent substance of
the universe
this all providing srou


why because
of where my focus is

because i am the source
because the anger is within me

but why
mad at life been mad at life
since childhood im sure because
life wasn’t fair to me
but was it fair to anyone

no reason to be mad and i don’t have to
i can feel it to heal it i can
feel it to heal it i can turn my focus

i can choose how i feel where
i focus what i decide to focus on
and i can choose to focus
on my cu

success i can choose tofocus
on the god self in this moment
to feel completely at peace

in gratitude in this moment
and let go of the rest

its ok its ok its ok itsl a

all in the tuning process
is al

its allow in the choice
to choose now i choose right now
i choose the peace of the presence m

present moment

i release anything i held onto

release it and and now i am ree
i am free

i am the watch i am the observer
and i say

thank you for this moment i am
the watcher i am
the observer
and i say

thank you for this moment

i say thank you for this moment
i say
thank you for this moment i say

thank you for this moment

i say thank you
i am here now i returnt to

i return to the present where i’m free
where i get to celebrate i

where i get to celebrate
where i get to celebrate
i get

to celebrate i get to celebrate
i get to celebrate

i celebrate life!!!

i celebrate the feeling i celebrate
the feeling i celebrate
the feeling i celebrate

whatever i say is true and
that’s why i come here to write

to remember this
today is a good day its a flowing day

today i am in the flow i am
in the flow of well being i am
in the flow of well being i allow the flow
i allow the flow i al

allow the flow i allow the flow
i allow the flow i

i focus on the flow i focus on the feeling i allow
the feelings to exist

i allow the feelings to exists i do the wrok

who cares who cares i love that
its easy to release its easy to

release everything and just be

its easy to release everyting

i’m literallynot mad

about anything

but i feel mad at everything.

i don’t have to figure out why
because i know the root to everything

a separation from god in this moment
that’s all it ever is

a separation from peace and i allow that peace
right now i laoo

allow the peace to flow the
gratitude to flow

turn toward god because it feels good
because i want to feel peace in my life

so i relax in this moment
and just allow that peace

that connection with god to exist

i allow the connection with god to
exists i all

i allow the connection with god to
and i

i get out of the way
i notice how ifeel and i let go
of the things that make me

feel bad.

the better it gets the
betteer it

better it gets the better it
gets what if i knew

i was going to succeed

i love that i know i love that
it’s all a feeling

remembering and the contrast
helps me remember that i get to decide
i get to decide

i get to decide how the day how

goes how the right now
i get to decide in each right now

each right now
is a new day

each right now is a brand new day
and i know thsi now
i know that

there is only the infinite now
and there’s nowhere to get

nowhere to get

i’m already rigth

right here i already made it
and i know that
there can only be

alignmetn d

alignment with god
or resistance

so i release it
right now and then its gone

and then there is alignment
it feels good tot ap i

to tap in and itst so eash

to easy to direct the energ of
life to tap into the energy of life

i love that it just doesn’t matter
i love that i know we

already made it i love that
we know we already made it

it already is

right now

god is lavish
unfailing abundance

the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe

this all providing source
of infinite prosperity

is individualized as me
the reality of me

the reality of me
the reality of me
and i get to choose to resonate
with that

resonate with that knowledge
i get the choice to resonate with
that knowledge

i feel good now i’m celebrating now i’m having fun now

i’m having fun now i’m having fun now i’m enjoying
life i

now i feel good now and ic an always
choose i can always choose

what i say the spells

the life i create with my words
the life i create with my words

i can always choose to just let go
release it to this moment

the space between the thoughts

i feel better i feel good i feel good
i had a moment but it passed and

the contrast helps me focus back toward center
helps me remember what i really and and how i prefer to feel

how i prefer to approach things
how i look at things and
its up me

i feel better i feel the flow i feel
at ease i feel at ease in this moment
and i know nothing has to change

nothing has to change i am
here now and this is all there is this
is all there is and i’m

happy with that i’m happy with the flow
within me i ‘m ha

happy with god i’m connected with god
i feel the god self and i know

god is lavish unfailing abundance
the rich omnipresent

substance of the universe

this all providing source

of infinite prosperity
is individualized as me

the reality of me.

i know wly hat i need to do

but i don’t want to do it and that is
the totality
the mind doesn’t want to give it over totallly

because the mind thinks it knows the mind think

the mind thinks

the mind thinks it is in control
but i now that i know that totality means

always and always trusting and always knowing

i know what i need to do and that’s
give up totally give uptotally

totally and i know why i don’t want to do it
becuse i forgot
that i’m not the one doing anything
and the life is flowing through me
i’m not the one

making it happen
and the thing i need to do that i don ‘twant

to is total surrender
total trust
total return to love

i also know its the easiest thing i can
do and i can do it righ tow

right now i can release and i

i can release

i can do it i can do the one thing and that’s

i am totality i am
totality i am

totality and i love the feeling
the feeling of freedom that comes with toality

totality i love that i love that i love
that i dn’t have to wonder or think about it

just dive in just let go of control andi know that
i know its that easy and i knkow that this

work shleps me
helps me do it

helps me see it and helps me let go totally

i know what i need to do
i know the feeling i know the feeling
i’m tuning to i know the feeling i’m

tuning to and its the feeling of totality
and that totality occurs in each moment it occurs

in the moment of making peace

so grateful for truth
so grateful for answers

so grateful the truth and answers keep flowing
so grateful to practice to practice

the truth the knowing the letting go

to allow the answerts to
answers to keep flowing so grateful

so gratefulso grateful to
to allow the flow to keep flowing to allow
the flow to keep flowing to allow the

flow to keep flowing to allow the
to allow the flow to keep flowing to allow
the flow to keep flowing to allow the floe
to keep flowing

to allow the flow to

the one thing and its the
only thing and its th

the hardest

and the easiest i love tht i know
that i know that life


i love that i know this
is my work this is the only work
and the only


isn’t even work because its a flip of

a switch

it’s not work to turn a light switch on
you don’t take a journey

you dont spend years learning how

you just flip it

a toddler could it

an infant could do it

and its’ th

it’s the only thing to do is
flip the switch and its always so easy
to vlip the
fliip th
flip the switch

do the one thing
i don’t want to do but know it’s
all there is its all there

all there ever is i love that i
get to do it i love that i can

train my vibrtion and its easy
to practice its easy
to practice its easy to

practice its easy to practice feeling how i want
to feel looking for what i want to see

seeing what i want to see knowing
its right in front of me

totality is keeping my mind
and thoughts off this world

and speaking the universal language

giving it over totality to god and remembering

how to trust what i hear
trust in god means trusting what i hear

and in order to hear those messages

i must clear the mind
of the distractions of thoughts
running around

trying to control
trying to plan

trying to predict outcomes
and i can just let go of all of that
and remember my power is in not

looking at it

at allowing it

it’s the only thing that
ever ‘works’

flipping the switch

giving up completely
giving up completely

giving up ompletely


i keep my mind and thoughts
off this world and place my entire focus
on the god within

as the only cause of my prosperity

i acknowledge the inner presence as
the only activity in my financial affairs

as the substance of all things visible.

i place my faith in the principle of abundance
in action within me

in action within me


feeling how i want to feel
the feeling leads to the outcomes

so am i going to feel how i odnt want to?

or am i going to be brave

and strong enough to choose what i prefer
and i know this is my power and i know that

i can relax totally in the moment
i release all resistance
and i relax totally into the god self in this here
and now knowing that everything
is always

unfolding perfectly for me

perfectly through me and i get out of the way

i love that its

the switch
right now i flip the switch

right now i flip the switch

right now i flip the switch
i flip the switch

i flip the switch

and it’s just that easy

here and now is all there is
and today i

devote myself fully to trusting the guidance
of god of source energy

i give myself over fully to that
and listen to what it says

i flip the switch
and its just that easy

i let it all go and i choose to feel the
feeling i want to feel i choose to feel the feeling
i want to feel i choose

to feel how i want to feel and i
practice that version and i know

that is my power that is my power
that is my power
i know that is my power

the totality of feeling the
totality of feeling and it’s up
to me to choose in
every moment
choose in every moment
choose in

every moment and as long as i’m
choosing the feeling that is my world

that is my life
whatever version i’m choosing that is my
reality so i am devoted to choosing the
version i prefer

let’s have a good day

so grateful to start the day
right so grateful to feel good to feel the god self
so grateful to like myself so

gratefulf or opportunities
so grateful to feel good to love
to love this day to love my life so

so gratefult o get to be at home for a weekened
so gratefult o feel good to love this day
to enjoy this day
so grateful to enjoy the day
to enjoy the here and now

so grateful i never have a problem sleeping

i love this day i love feeling good i love enjoying the day
i love that i get to have fun i love that
we don’t have to rent a car i love that
we get to stay home and enjoy a slow life i love a slow life

i feel good i feel good i feel good i feel the
flow flowing through me and i get to choose
i get to choose i get to choose how i feel i get to choose how i feel i
get to choose how i feel i

get to choose i always get to choose the magick
i get to choose the magick

flowing through me i get to choose to feel good
to feel the flow i get to choose to feel
good to love myself to love this day

i get to choose i get to choose

to love this day i get to choose how i feel

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the activity
of divine abundance

is eternally operating

in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware

i am now in the flow
i am now aware i am now in the flow

i have found the secret to life and
can relax in the knowledge that the
activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is
continuously easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness
i am now aware

i am now in the flow

i love the flow i love the flow of well
being i love taking the leap taking the big leap into the
day i love that i get to choose how i feel

that i get to choose to celebrate the day
i love that life is good and it just keeps flowing

to and through me i love that life loves me i love
taht i know i

that i know that life loves me i love that i know i love
that its a good day i love that its a good day i love
the feeling the feeling of god i love
that i can always tune myself to love i can always tune to love

and that’s all there is
i love that i can let the rest go
and just trust the flow i love
that i can trust the flow i love that
i can trust the flow the flow
of well being i love tha t
i gt to

get to feel good get to feel good i love tha t
i can always

let it go i love hat i can
always let it go

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation

i’m tuned in tapped in turned on

tuned to the best of life

i am aware of the raditation of creative
energy which is continuosly easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i am now aware i am now in the flow

i love this day i love
feeling good i love knowing god i love knwoing god
i love knwoing that god is in everything

i love that i can let the rest go i love
that i know the truth i love that i know
i can always return to love return to the feeling

of knowing that
life is

way trippier
and better than most people think
i love that i know this and i love that
everything is going my way i love that
i et to

get to say thank you and send love
i love that i get to say thank you and send love

today i am tuned to the magick today
i take the big leap today
i say yes thank you

today i am aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am now in the flow
i love that i know the flow and i can always return to it
i love that i know my only job is to count and
allow life to unfold the way i ant i love
i love that i know this i love that
i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel good about life that i get to
love life

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled

the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life
i simply have to be aware of the flow

the radiation of creative energy
which is continuously
easily and effortlessly pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i love feeling good i love tuning
i love getting there which means letting go
of everything and just trusting life
feeling good because life
is always on my side and i know this i love t
at i

that i know ths and its easy to live
with this knowledge

i love that i know i am god
i am the one and only creator i love that i know
i am the one and only
i love

i love that i get to feel good i love
that i get to feel the feeling i get to
act as if and i dont have to allow anything to

block that flow

i love doing this work the only work
and enjoying the day
enjoying the magick of life

enjoying the magick life

i love that i get to choose i love that
i get to choose the feeling and it always comes
i love rememberig the opwer of me

the magick of me and i love that i
get to keep fuili

building it

i know that my supply
is infinite

i love the flow of well being

i love remembering that i am god
and that is the answer to life
its always me it’s always me
and the version i’m creating
it’s always me and the version i’m creating
i know it’s only ever me and that make
slife so

so grateful i knwo and i can
always return to the truth i love that i can
i always return to the truth

so grateful i know so grateful i get to feel
good i get to feel the flow i ge tto fe

feel the flow i get to feel the flow the flow the flow

i get to feel the flow i get to

to feel the flow the flow the flow

i get

the divine consciousness that i am
is forever expressing its true nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

i am now aware

i am now in the flow

forever expressing its true nature of abundance
i love that everything is going my way i love
that life is easy for me i love that life
is easy for me i love that life is good to me i love that this
is my life i love that it already is the way i want

it to be i love that it already is the
way i want it to be the

already is the way i want it to be
i love i love i love i love that
i love that

i can alwys tap into this knowledge
i know this is real i know this is life i know this
is life i know this is life i know life

is a vibration i know that the god self
is always creating on my behalf and life that
is always working out for me

i love that i can always tap into and milk this
feeling i love that i know this feeling is my power i lofe
that i get to feel good
about myself i love that get to feel good
i love that i get to feel good

i love that i get to feel the flow
i love that the flow is always flowing

it’s onlly me and i love it!

it’s only me and i love it!!

i love the feeling of knowing the
truth i love the feeling

of god’s energy flowing through me
i love knwoing it

its all god’s work it’s all god’s work

i know it’s all god’s work

this is its responsibility not mine
my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth

i am totally confident in letting go
and letting god alppeas

appear as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs

as the abundant all sufficiency
in my life and affairs
and i now this feeling is life

i know the truth of life
and it’s all me and i get to choose
i get to choose and its as

simple as that
change the way you look at things

i know that i can do this
in every aspect of life and that i can choose

love in

every aspect because
i am the one and only creator
and then i see it change i practice
that vibration and then it is
i know this
and i know that it

affects all aspects of life
and i know that it’s all me i know that
it’s only ever me i know that it’s only
ever me and

what it is is the knowing
that i am god and the version i have
in my mind
in my body
in my emotions

is the version i see

printed out
i know this and i create my life
from within i know his
i know


through life experience
i knwo this and its

oh so easy
to jump fully into this knowledge


get out of the way knowing
get out of the way knowing that life

is always flowing

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true
of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident
in letting go and letting god appear as the
abundant a

all sufficiency in my life and affairs

letting go and letting god

and that

means tapping into the god self
the means tapping into the knowledge
in every moment and i love that
that i h

have this ability
so grateful to know my power
so grad

grateful to know my power
and choose to use it

so grateful to know my power and choose
to use it so grateful to know my power

so grateful to know my pwerso

personal power and i love
that i get tochoos

to choose it i know my powe r

and i get to choose it

the divine consciousness
that i am is forever expressing its true
nature of abundance

this is its responsibility
not mine

my only responsibility
is to be aware of this truth


i am totally confident in letting go dna

and letting god appear
as the abundant all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

i love feeling tuned
i love that i get to let go of it all
i lovee that life
is flowig per

perfectly to and through me
i love that life is good i love that life
is so so so good
and i get to look at
the good things

i get to look at the good things

i feel good because i know that
i am god i feel good because i know that i am god
i feel good because i know

that i am god i know the god self and i know that
the god self is me i know that god is me
and whatever i choose to focus on

i create i love that i can allow
the best version of myself
i love that i can allow the
best version of my life

i love that it’s

here and now and i know that

this is my work this is the only
work i love that i know



the only work

i’m happy

so grateful for this dreary day
so grateful to allow it in so grateful to notice
to feel

and see

the effects of the practice
so graetful to take the time to milke

the feeling of feeling good
to return to love right now
to feel the feeling right now

so grateful for this day
so grateful to feel good so grateful ife

life is flowing perfectly through me
so grateful life loves me so grateful to feel good
to feel the flow

flowing through me to feel the flow flowing through me

so grateful to feel good to feel
the magick of life to know the magick of life
to know its only ever me to know

my supply is infinite so grateful to know
so grateful
to jump in

i feel good onw i feel th i feel the flow
right now i feel the knowledge right now

so grateful i know i can just keep saying
thank you i get to just keep saying thank you i ge

get to love so grateful i get to love
so grateful i get to love
so grateful

i can always return tolove

return to the feeling so grateful to
feel the feeling to feel the feeling flowing
through me th

thorugh me
through me to feel the feeling flowing
through me thourhg
through me

my inner supply
instantly and constantly takes on
form and experience according
to my needs and desires
and as the principle of supply in action
it is impossible fore m

me to have any unfulfilled
needs or desires

my inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form
and experience according to my needs and desires and
as the pricnipcel
of supply in action it is

for me to have any unfulfilled needs or desires

i love that i know this i love
that get to feel good and ejoy life
i love that life is good for me
i love the better it gets i love the
better it gets i love

the better it gets i love feeling the
feeling of life i love
this day i love this day i love that its a good day
i love that its a good day i love that
today is a good day i love

i feel good i feel good i feel good
i feel good and i have the knowledge

i have the knowledge

i know i know god i know i am
god i know myself
i know myself and i am god i love that
i know ths and

and i love the bettter it
get si love
i love making the cohice
i love making the choice

so grateful to feel good
so grateful to know the flow
to know the flow so grateful to know the flow
the flow flowing through me

flow flowing through me the
flow flowing through me
i feel goo i feel good i feel
good i am aligned with theknoweldge
i love

i love feeling good i love allowing
myself to love my life to celebrate my life to allow
the good things to come so
gratefult o a

to allow good things to come
so grate to allow life to flow
through me
to feel soog n

good now so grateful to feel good now
to feel good now to feel good now

to know that life is good to know that life
is good so grateful to know that life is good

to know that life
is good to

do this ork

so grateful to do this work and know the truth
so grateful to do this work
and know the truth
i know the truth

i know the truth i know th

i know the truth i know the
feeling the feeling of god and i get to choose it right no

i get to choose it right now
i get to chosoe a

choose a lust for life
i get to choose a lust for life
i get to choose to feel good
to enjo life
enjoy life i get to choose to enjoy life

my inner supply instantly and constantly

takes on form and experience according to my needs and
desires and as the principle of supply
in action it is impossible

for me to have any unfulfilled

needs or desires

my inner supply instantly
and constatntly

takes on form and experience
according to my
needs and desires
and as the principle of supply
in action

it is impossible for me to have any
unfulfilled needs or desires

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

i feel the god self i know the
god self and i’m bett

getting out of the way
i’m getting out of the way i’m
out of the way
i’m out of the way i’m

out of the way i’m god self
i’m the god self i’m the god self

the god self i’m god i look for
what i want i decide

i decide i decide i decide
i cultivate love i cultivate love

i am love i am god i love
feeling he

the feeling i love that i get to fee
good now i love that i get to feel good now

instantly and constantly
instantly and constantly

i love that i can

completely get out of the wya
i love that there’s always more than enough
and that it’s wlays
always flowing to and through me i love
that i know life is

only a feeling

it is impossible for me
to have any unfulfilled needs or desires
i love that i feel good now i love that
i’m at the height of my power

right now
i love that i’m at the height of my personal

power right now i know who i am
right now more than ever andi know
i know what i am capable of when

i let god do the work i love that
i can just let god do it

and i can just enjoy the ride!!

thank you for this day

for waking up feeling good for a good mornign
for a cozy nap for a nice day with nice weather
thank you for the flow thank you for god for the do

god self within me thank you for the feeling
the feeling of knowing that i am god thank you for the

choice thankyou for thank you for the choice

thank you for the flow flowing thank you
for the flow flowing thank you for the knowledge

i know that money is not my supply
no person place or condition is my supply

my awareness understanding
andk nowledge
of the all providing activity of the divine mind within me
i smy supply

my consciousness of this
truth is unlimtied
therefore my supply is unlimiteid

my supply is unlimited
i love that i know this and i love that
i know the truth of totality the
truth of of focus and i am

always aware where i am putting my focus i love
that i get to choose i lov that i get to choose
the versioni create i love
that life is good i love that i know life is good i love that i know
life is good i love

that i know life i sgood

i love that life is good i love
that life is good i love that
life is good i love that i am in tuen
i love

i love that i am in tune with the god self
i feel the god self the love self teh looking for love self
the lookingf

for what i want to see self
the devoted self
so grateful to feel the deovted
devoted self to feel and see the effects of the practice so
grateful to fee good about myself ot love myself
so grateful to feel good so grateful to feel good

so grateful to feel good to feel the flow
to feel the flow of life to feel the
flow of life so

i love the flow of life i love the flow
of life i lov life

love life flowing through me love feeling good love feeling
good i love feeling good i love the lfow of

the flow of life i love the flow of life
i love feeling good i love that i get to chosoe

the love self i love that i get to choose he
love self the total self i love
that i get to feel the total self and ride the wave of that i love

that i can aalwa

always open up my life
to that energy no matter where i am
no matter what is going on
i can always allow the god energy to enter and flow through my life
i love that i get to chosoe i love that i get to choose

version i prefer i lovee that i get to chosoe the
version i prefer

i love my life i love my life i ov

i love knowing that i ma god i love knowing that i am
god and i get to choose i love that i get to choose
how i feel i love that i get to choose

i love that

i love that i am a money magnet i lov
that i love that i get to choose that i love
that i get to chosoe how i feel i get to choose

the energy of

i embody i love that i get to choose
the energy i embody i love that its

really just that ease i love that
its really just htat
that easy i love that life flows easily

and through me

i love that life flows easaily


and through me to and through me to
and through me to and through me

to and through me i love that i
get to choose get to choose love get to
choose love get to choose

love i love that i get to choose totality
of focus that i know that i know that
i have something that i can
refer to l

i love that i get to look for what i want
to seee that i get to feel this energy this
god energy that i get to chosoe that i

i get to choose the version i look for
i get to choose the energy of self and that i swhat

what dictates my
physical reality i love that i know this
i love that i know this i love tha t
i get to feel it i love that i get to feel it

that i get to feel good that i get to

feel good that i get to know that life
is good and that life llove

lvoes me

i love doing the work i love that
money flows to and through me easily
i love that life is good i love that
life is good i love that
llife is good i love that

there’s always so much to give i love
that there’s

always so much to love i love that
life is good i love that everythin gis going
is going my way i love that i
get to say yes thank you i love that i get to say

yes thank you i love that i get to say

yes thank you

money is not my supply no person place or condition is my supply
my awareness
and knowledge of the all providing activity of
the divine mind within me

is my supply

my consciousness of this truth is
unlimited thereofre my
supply is unlimited

my consciousness of this truth is
unlimtied therefore my supply is unlimited

i love tat i
that i get to feel good now i get to
feel that god connection now

more than ever i lov that
i love that i know it now

more than ever i love that i
feel good now more than ever i know
god mroe now

more than ever n

i know its all abou th
the devotion its all about the totality its all

about the totality
its all about the totality


through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature the very substance
of spirit
this substance is my supply thus my consciousness
of the presence of god wiithin me is my supply

what i am seeking what i think i’m getting to is
this feeling of complete devotion to the god self and i knkow that
this feeling i seek only comes from that

it comes from complete devotion
it come from trust it come from

it come from turning everything over to god
to this feeling it comes from the focus
the focus on the god self
the god version the focus on thepower

the power of self the power of me the mind
i know that it comes from totality
and what i comme here for is to feel that totality
to practice that totality

to remember that totality to tune myself
to thefee

the feeling of god it feels good
to tune myself to the feeling of god to tune
to tune myself to the feeling of god

to tune myself to the feeling of god

i love that i know i love that ti know
i know it’s that easy i love that i know life
is just this easy and that i can

always choose to live it i love
that i can always choose to live it
i love that i can always choose totality
and feel it right now i love that i know

i love that i know the feelign i love
i love that i know life reflects the feeling and
i feel it right now i love doing the work
to build the feeling andk now

and knowing that i’s all it si

through my consciousness of my god self

i feel the feeling i feel the feeling
i know that the paradise within is a feeling i know

that i get to choose the feeling right now i know t
hat iget
that i get to choose the feeling right now i get to

choose the feeling i get to choose that
feeling of knowing that feelign of e

of knowing that feeling of knowing that
everything is god that feeling of celebrating life that
feeling of knowing that feeling
of knowing that everything is godi know that
i know that everything

is god and i’m

ready to let go of the rest
i’m ready to let go of the rest

i feel the feeling of knowi feel
i feel the god self within i’m
focused on the god self

i’m focused o the
on the god self i feel the
god self i feel the

i feel the god self i feel the
feeling i want to feel i feel the feeling i want to
feela nd it

and it feels like not

needing anything to happen

the flow is always flowing i love
that the flow is always flowing i love that
the flow is always flowing i love that

the flow is always flowing the
feeling is always flwing and
i love that this is my work i love that
i get to enjoy life and feel good i lov that
get to feel good that iget t

get to feel the feeling of god
that i get to feel the feeling of me

that i know the power of me the
poweer of my choices
i love that i get to choose
i love that i know

i am the one and only creator
and i always get to choose

through my consciousness of my god self
i draw into my mind and feeling nature

the very substance of spirit

this substance is my supply thus
my consciousness of the presence of god within me
is my supply

my consciousness of the presence of god

within me is my supply

my consciousness
is my supply and i love that i know this
i love that i kno w

the supply is infinite
and it is always flowing infinitely to me
i love that i know this il ove th

i love feeling the feeling i love taking the
leap i love that i can always doi

this work and know that it is the only work
i know that i am her enow i know i know i know

that i am god now i know that i am god
now and i get to chosoe i love that i get to choose

and it’s that easy i love that
it’s easay

to choose its easy to know and i’ts

easy to celebrate life

when i have the knoweldge
the knowledge is always here with me
and i get to choose in each instant

whether i’m aligned with the knoweldge

so grateful for this day
for the feeling for the feeling for the
feeling for the feeling

for thek nowledge

of life so grateful for the knowledge of life
for the knowledge of life

so grateful for the feeling for the
connection to source

so grateful to feel good!!

to feel good aobut life to feel
inspired and motivated so grateful to
feel the flow lfowing

now so grateful to focus on
what i know to be true and let go
of ther est knowing
that the only thing i need to know

is within

i draw into my ind and
feeling nature the very subtance
of spirit

this substance is my supply
thus my consciousness of the presence of god

within me is my uspply

i know i am god and i am the creator
i know that when i make a choice
and align with it
when i believe the choice

ti comes

it comes

i know this for a fact
i know that i can choose i know the power of the focus
i know that i get to choose i know that

i get to choose and then it comes
it always coms i love

i love that i know this
i love that i know i am god i love that
i get to feel the love of god

knowing that my consciousness
of the god within is my supply

i know what i


i can do it

i can do it i can
find the cneter
center within i can alaws
return to center i can always do the work

to choose a new patten of thought i can
alwys choose a new pattern of thought

i can always choose a new pattern of thought

the center is always right here and ni
i never gt to

too far from it

i kno wthat i now that life is good forme
i know
i know that life is good fo rme i know that
i know that everything is working out for me
i love

that life heps me

helps me focus i know that life
hepls me focus

me focus helps me focus
helps me focus helps me focus helps me
focus i know that life helps me
focus i knthat
that there is always an in and an out

an up and a down

grateful for this day
for this here and now
for the sun shinign
so gratrful

grateful for life so grateful for this
thein and nout the feeling of life

so grateful for the feeling of life flowing through me
so grateful to have fun
so gratefult ochoose
to choose ra

gratitdue so grateful to choose the ork to
do the owrk to feel the work to feel the flow
flowing through me to feel the
flow flowing through e ot feel good

so grateful to feel good

the flow is always flowing and i feel it i love that
i get to feel good i love hat i ca

that i can always feel the other side
of the wave ic an

always choose to feel good no matter what

i can always

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i am consccious of the constant acitivyt
of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness is filled with
the light of truth

i am conscious of the inner presence as my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant aciti


activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my onscious
consciousness is filled with the light of truth

i know the power of the owrk
i know the power of the feeling i know

i know i know what i am i know aht i am
and i know i am

a vibrational being
and i’m never not

the work alawys works
the work always works and i love that
its just that easy i love that
its just atht easy

that esy t

easy to choose the other side i love
that i can alwig

align with the other side i love that
ti’s that easy to chooes and its

not a cjour

journey its a switch i love that

i love that i know i love that i know
i love that

that i know i

so grateful for everything that is
so grateful for everything this

that is going myway

i get to decide i get to make
the choice and i get to feel the
feeling and i may stray bu
i can

but i can always come back to
the feeling and that’s all there is
in life there

is the choice the choice to align with what you want
to live in fear and thinking
about what you don’t want all that

the time
so i choose what i want

i choose to feel energized by life
to say thank you i choose to say
thank you to life i chosoe to say
i choose to say

thankyou to life i choose to feel good i

choose to feel good i choose

it’s easy to feel good it’s easy
to feel good it’s easy to
feel good its

easy to feel good to feel the flow flowing
it’s easy to feel the flow
floing its

its easy to feel goodits
its easy to feel good its

easy to feel good to feel the flo


its easy to choose to not let things
outside me affectme i love

it feels good to feel good
to know that i never have to feel bad and
just fibe

give up on everything
that’s all i can ever do

is give up and give in to god
to flow of life to trust the flow of life
to trust the unfolding of thigns

to feel good now to turn the boat
to turn the boat to choose

i love the flow

i am conscious of the inner presence as
my lavish abundance

i am conscious of the constant
activity of this mind of infinite prosperity

therefore my consciousness
is filled with the light of truth

i am conscious of the
constant activity of this mind
of infinite prosperity

i am conscious of the constant activiyt
of this mind of infintie prosperity

i am conscious of the constatn

i am conscious of the constant activity
of this mind of infinite prosperity

i know i know i know the
secret to life and can relax in the knowledge
that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i smiply

simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative energy which is continuosly
easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divine consciousness

i am now aware i am now in the flow

it feels good to decide
to live it feels good to feel the feelign to know
to know the feeling i know

i kno wthe

the feeling of god and i’m ready
to live fully in the god self

i’m ready to embody the god self
i lo

i’m ready to feel the god self flowing
through flowing through me flowing through me

i’m ready i’m ready i’m ready

to feel the god self flowing through me

so gratefu lfro t
for this day

to feel good to love and be loved
so grateful life is goodand

and that i don’ thave to
care and it doesn’t have to matter
i love that i can choose i love

that i get to choose i love

here now

making the choice making the choice
to turn toward center toward god toward
the lifting toward the rising
turn toward the rising allowing the rising allow the

intrusive thoughts to lift
not following them allowing them to float by
knowing they are a passing whim


summer fling for the mind
something it is infatuated with right now

something probably really juicy
and worthless meaningless in the
grand scheme

i’m here now i’m here now i’m
here now i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here now i’m here now i’m here
now i’m here now i’m here now

i’m here now i’m here now i’m
here now i’m here now
i’m here

now i’m here now i’m here now i nkow

i know who i am i know what i am
i know i can trust life i now i

i know i can trust life i know i can trust life
to flow through me
i trust life to flow through me

i trust the flow of life i trust
the flow of life i l

i trust the flow of life i trust the flow
of life

thank you thank you thank you thank you
for this here and now here and now


here and now
and now

thank you for the truth thank you
for the truth i am aware of the truth i
feel more and morea aware
of the truth and my ability to make the choice

and i feel

i know that everything is always
help ing

helping me do that and now i know
to never do that again


either way i can let it go and that’s my job
that’s my only work and i know

its my power i knko w

its my power to choose
its my pwoer

where i place my focus its up
to me wher ei palce

place my focus


thank you for this knowledge
thank for you f

you for the practice for the
fitness of the mind
for the ability to choose
to tune myself to

the best possible outcome
i love that its easy to tune
i lov that
it’s easy to keep the focus to keep
the vision
i love that i nkow i am

i know i am always creating
no matter what i am always creating

i love where i am
i love that i am a match
that i get to send the signal

i get to choose the signal i send
i get to choose the signal
i send i get to choose

the signal i send the version i
create and itss just ath eas

easy if i can’t do it around something simple
how to

do i expect to do it
around big things

so take advantage
of the opportunity
to choose to

use your power
to use your power to use your power

to use your power

i get to choose to feel good
to feel tuned and know that the more
i tune the more

i see the more magick i see
so grateful to know this
truth to have

fitness of the mind so grateful to know
thet ruth
to see the truth of life
to take
advantage of this now

this knowledge
to use my power

thank you for the power for the power
for the pwoer of me for the
feeling of me for the god self

so grateful to feel elevated
to be a match to s

so grateful to be a match to come
from love to love my life to love myself
to feel good in my life

so gratefult o feel
to feel good in my life!!

grateful for this day for
the magick of this here and now

to lift up my mind and heart

to be aware to understand and to know
that the divine presence i am

is the source and substance of all my good

the divine presence i am the
divine presence ia m
the divine presence i am
the divine presence i am

the divine presence i am

the divine presencd ia m

the divine presence i am

i am i am
i am
i am

the divine presence i am

i am the

who i am what i am
the feeling of me
the version i mkae

the vesion i

version i look for
i feel good i feel good i feel good

i feel myself gathering momentum

i feel the flow i feel the flow i feel

i feel life flowing throguh me
i feel the effects of th pr



i know the power of me
i know the pwer

of me i know its a switch