breathe in and breathe out

i love that it’s my choice
i love the power of the focus i love
doing the work i love working out
i love

that the couch doesn’t ms

smell i love loving my wife i love making

i know all that matters is the simran
is the vortex i love
that i’m wealthy i love
that its’ easy to feel good to
feel wealthy

i love that i love that i get to make
the choice to feel good i love
that i get ot love to love myself i love
that i get to enjoy the

breath in

breath out

i love doing the work
i love that this is the only ow

the only work i love tat this
this is the only work
i love that this is theo nly work
the only work i love

that i know this is the only work i love
that i get to feel ew

wealthy right now i love
that i get to let ghat go

i can let it go i can release
resistance and iknow that

that’s all i can ever do is

release resistance

all i canee

ever do is release resistance
all i can ever do
is release resistance
i can

easily reaise

vibration i can easily release resistance

i can easily

raise my vibration

i love feling wa
wealthy iloe that
it alredy is i love

breathe in and reaise

raise your vibration

breth out
breathe out and realse

releaae your resistance


it’s easyt o breathe when i focus
on the flow it’s easyt

to breath in and breathe out
to allo life to do the breathing
it’s easy to focus on the flow
i love that i feel good i love
tat i feel good now i love

that it’s easy to breathe

i love the it’s easyt o breath
i love that i can make the choice to

believe in myself i love that it’

it’s easy tot urn
turn the boat i love that it’s easy to sent he


send the si

i love that i get to feel good
now i love that i get to say thank you
i love that

everything is
going my way i love
that everything is
going my way i love


i love that i don’t have to care i love
that i’ve let
everything og

go i love that i feel good now i love
that life is flowig through me ilove
i love that nothing matters i love that i know
all that matter

is the focus

i love feeling calm
i lo

i love raising my vibration
i love that i know my vibration is me
i know my

vibration is me and the

the sig

i love that i can let go

reaise my

reaise my

raise my vibratin
and relae

release resistance
i know that this work is the only
work i lovetha i know
this work is the only work
i love that

the better t gets i love
the better it gets ilov

breath in and reaise
raise your vibration
breathe out and release
your resistance

i know resistance
is belief in lack

i now th

i know there is no
such thing as lack i know there
is no such thing as lakc

as lack

i know i can throm
i can throw whatever vibration
i choose ta

at the worl i can

i know it’s only men

and the more i focus on
the version i prefer the
more i see it

the more i make
the choice the more
the universe

the universe is
conspiring to make it happen
i know i’ve made the chocie i

i’ve made the choice i’m

i’ve made the choice and i now

i know once i make the choice
the universe conspires to make it happen

i’ve made the choice to feel
good i amek

make the choice
to feel good i make the choice

i feel goo dnow
and that’s all that mattes
i love that it’s

easy to feel good now i know that
this is my only work

the leap

t feels good to not care
to simply raise y

my vibration to make
the choice not

to care it feels good to do the work
to know inever ha

i never havet o care it feels good
to do me to do the ownly
the only work that matters

and accept it feels good to focus
on the simran and taht’s all i can ever do

i know my breath is tight
when my vibration is wrapped around something
and ik now the

the best i can do for myself
is to let that ghi

thing go i know i cna
send the signal i

get to send the sgianl for what i want i love
that i get to allow my heart to sing i love that

i have the power not to think
about that and create more of it i

i have the power to

not care i love that i havet he

the power ot not
to not think about that

i have the power to not think about that

let it go i love

i love that ti’s my

it’s my choice i love
that it’s my


let it go let it go lt

let it go i know that all that matters
is my vibration i now

i know that all that

matters is my vibration i know that
all that matters is

my vibration i know that
all that matters is mky vib

my vibration i

i know that it’s in my power
to let go i

i know that i don’t havet o care

i know that i

i can let it go i can let it go i can
let it

it go i can let it go i love
that i don ‘tha vet o

to care

i love that all my wishes are coming
true iknow all i can
ever od

do is focus on the simran

everything else is false.