i do not have to care

i love that it’s easy
to dro a th

drop a thought

just like its easy to drop a through

thought easy to

choose the thought i ant to
want to think easy to look for what i want to see easy
to trust the flow


i know that in order to quantum leap
i must let go of everthing


all that negtive vibration
all of the useless thoughts that
jut c

create resistance

i know i can let that all go i love
that i know i don’ thave to care i love
that i

do not have to care i love
that i do not havet o

to care i love that i do not hve to

to cre i lovethat

that i can do the work for me and

and not care about anything else i love
that i can do the work for me i love that
i can do the work for me i love that i know its

only ever me

i kno that it

i know that it s only

only ever me i love that i
know that i love that i know that i love that

i can let ti

it go i can let it go and simply
focuson the flow i can

forgie mysel

i can forgive myself i can
forgive myself i can forgive myself

ad do me i loe that
i get to

i love that i get to let that
go i love that i don’ thave to

to care i love that i get ot me
to do me and that’s

i care about i love that its’ easy to let go
easy to do the work to allow life to flow
through me to say

yes tank you
thank you to the flow it fels goo

feels good not to care to simply
enjoy life it feels good to let

let it go to

not care it feels good to let it go to not
care and do

do the only the only work that matters
it feels good to do the ownl

the only work that matters it feels good
to not care it

it feels good to let go
and i know them ore i let
the more i let go the more it

flow s i love that i can do the work
i want

i love that i can create the version i prefer
i love that i can p

create the version i prefer i love
that i know it’s only


me i love that i know its’

only ever me i love that it’s
easy for me to let that go and not care i love that it’s
easy to let tha tgo and not care
i love

that it’s easy to do me i love that
it’s easy to

just not care i love tat
it’s easy to just not care i can let that go i love
doing the work and not caring

i know that my power is in my not caring
i am looking for the best i am able to receive
i am doing me i am doing

i love that i can let that go i loe
that i can let that go in this right now i love

that the work helps me do it i love
that it is easy to let go i love that its
eay to do

i’ve let that go i’ve
let that go and i do not have to care

al that

all tha m

that matters is how i feel i
know that

it’s only me i know i am the one and only

creator of my reality and i love that

i simply do not havet o care i love

i love that i simply do not have to care i love
that i ge tto

to do em i l

and that’s all tha mt

that matters doing me and feeling good

all that matters is doingm e and
feeling good i know themore i

the more i let go the more it flows i love
that i can drop certain patterns of thought
i love that its’
easy to let go nd

enjoy life i love that i
get to enjoy life no matterw aht i love
that i get to let go i love
that i

do not have to care i love
that i know that is my

i love that its

easy to let go i love

i know that it alwys flows

life alwyas flows perfectly through me
life alwyaas

life alwys flows perfectly through me and i love
that i

i don’t have to care bout petty things i l
i love that i don’ thave to

care about petty things i love

that i can let that go i love
that the universe helps me

not to care

i love that its easy to
just drop it i love that i know i

don’t have

to care i love that i
don’t have to care i love that
i am celebrating my personal power i love

that i get to choose
i love that i get to choose

i love it when

people are up front and honest

and that’s all i can do is
create the version i prefer i know

i do not have to care and i
can simply let it pass i can

i do not have to care i do not havet o care

i do not have to care

i love that i get

can let it go and do me i love
that i can let it go and do me

i love that i can let it go and do me i love

i should just sy

say something
i love that there is so much
more to celebrate about lif ei love
that i can

make the choice to celebrare life and


helps me do that i kno that
the contrast helps me focus