cult of counting day 4

i love that it’s
massively flowing i love
waking up to orders i love
new subscribers!!

i love fulfilling orders
all day i love new consignment
i love new wholesale accounts!!

i love etsy orders!!
i love orders on our site i love
free downloads i love
going for a walk
i love that i love it here i love
waking up feeling happy i love

doing the work i love
all the people that sell our books

i love quimbys

i love gabe fowler i love
that we have plenty of bud

i love saving i love that
there is more than enough i love
making money every day i love

starting the year off right
i love that we have extra boxes
we can reuse i love that
susan hit me up i love that it comes to
me i love that everyone was

doing there shit today
i love doing the work i love that

the energy is here now

i love the better it gets i love
that i can feel myself
relaxing and letting go i love that
the more i count the more i

relaxed i feel and the more
i relax


everything is in my head

and i love
feeling the feeling of gratitude and
milking it i love that i am
feeling more and more brave more and
more brave enough to
let everything go and just

enjoy this moment
i know that thinking
about anythin ou

outside the moment
is not my job
my only job is to exits in th

exist in this here and now

i love feeling at home
in my power and remembering
i am the one who
gets to choose

i do this work to remember
i am the one
and only creator
and i never have to wonder because it
it’s only ever
me it’s only ever and it’s
already there the power is already
there i love that i am

learning how to let go and let
what is already there come
through and that is what the
counting helps me do

relax into the now and allow
i love the better it getrs i
gets i love that people
are already joining

the cult of counting i love
feeling inspiried i love
wanting to do my work i love

good ideas!!!

i love good ideas i love
working on the work
every single day i love
feeling good about life i love
that we get to do this project

i love that the workshop came to us

i ilove doing the work
this work and i love feeling

totally confident in

letting go and letting
go appear as the abundant

all sufficiency in my life
and affairs

it feels good to let go and
let go i love doing the work

i love that we are always doing
our best work i love that i’ve
been allowing myself to feel
good and feel the flow

trust the flow of lifei love
i loe doing
doing this work
andk onwin

knowing that
everything is
energy i love
the better it gets i love
that i feel

a part of life i love
feeling like life loves me i love
that i know life

loves me i love
that i get to do thi s

this work i love letting
go and feeling good

taking the big leap i love
that i get to celebrate life i love

that i know i love that i can
relax into the flow of life and
truly enjoy this here and now
i love

giving myself permission
to enjoy this here and now
to know thta

that this here and now is enough
and this moment is enough


i am enough
this here and now is
enough the work

is enough it feels good to
relax to practice relaxing to make
it a point t not
to not worry and i know all
of this adds up i know

it makes a difference in my life
when i make the choice to feel good about life
to celebrate it to know the magick of life
and celebrate it and i liove that
i love that i’ve let that go i love
that i’ve let that go i love that
i can massage away
resistance and
allow myself to slip into the here and now

it feels good to feel the power of
me it feels good to feel the power of me
it feels good to feel the power of
me it feels good to feel the power of me

and allow it it feels good to feel the
power of me
and allow it

i love that i’m massaging
away ther er

the resistance
i am rele

releasing the grip
my solarplexis

has on everything

why is it so tight


i am unclenching

i am relaxed i am relaxed i am relaxed

and just doing the work to remember who i am
helps me unclench it feels good to

doing the work to remember who i am
the the more i am able to remember who

who i am the more
the more at ease i am able to feel
in my life

i feel at ease in my life
and that is all that matters

i am grateful for this

here and now and that’s all that
matters thank you for all the blessings that

are always coming my way
i am graciously allowing them

thank you

i am allowing the gifts to come my
way and i don’t have to justify anything

don’t have to make
anything happen and dn’t

don’t have to care about anything

i can just let go of all of it

let go of every single thing
i ever worried about and
connect with spirit

i know i am with spirit right now
i love that i can feel spirit funn

running through me i love that i get to make
the choice to

to feel good about
life to show up for life

to allow life