deprived of any importance

i can choose ow i how ip refer to feel i can
choose how i prefer to feel


presence is wanted

all there is is i am and i don thave to cre
all there is is i am
all there is is iam
who am i

why am i here
writing these words
to come bck to center to
come back to me
i can come bck

to me to the feeling of god of letting it go i can let it
go i ana
can allow a resolution ic an

allow the resolution i can
allow the
resolutoin just by saying i am i can allwo

the resolution just by saying i am

i can allow the resoluiton i can allow life i can
allow how i would prefer to feel ican allow
the god

feelig no matter the circumstance
i can allow the
god feeling
i can

allow the god feelign no matter what i cn alawys

allow the god feeling i cn always allow the god a
feeling and everything in life is a map

to i am

i don thave to thin about the rest
i dont

have to think about the rest i dont have to think
i love htat i dont have to i love that
i dont haveet
to care i love that

i dont have to care i love
that id ont have to care

only i am in charge of how i feel
and i now this i knkowt his i nkowthis
i now this
i nkow this

i nkow this

here becaue i wantt o remembe th
the truth im
here becaue i want to feel the
know the truth i

be the truth the one and only truth
its never them and i nkow that its neverr
and i know that i cna
let it go and just be

i am
that’s all there is
i am

thats’ all there is
ther est doesn’t mater

i am
i am
i am

is all there is and i dont have to care
i can jsut do me i can just do me i can

just do me i can do

i am and know that’s all there is dont have to crea

about the rest i dont have to care about the
rest the rest the
re i

i dont have to ccare about the rest

i know that i am is all there is i kow that

im here im here turning focus to the god feling
and allowing it to flow through me

i am and i don thave to care
i cast the burden on the god within

i cast the burden on the god within adn know that id ont have
to find the solution i love that i know i dont havet o i love

that i dont
i now i dont havet o i love that i no

i love that i nkow
i dont have to figure it out
that i can cast the burnde n
and focus on i am and

be i am and be the divine presence i am
and i can allow the rest to coem to me
to come to me

to come to me i cal al
allow the rest to come to me knowign that i a
nowing that i am
i can bee

i can always be

i am
i can always be i am

i know the at
that i am i know that i am
i know

taht ia m i know that i m
i now

now i know that i am i now that i

i am is all there is ia know i cn a
let the rest go i love that
i don thave to care i love that

i get to ffeel the feeling and know life follows i knwo that
life comes to be

to me ic an feel i can feel the
feeling now i can feel the feeling now and know that
life alays flows to and through me
i feel

feel the feeling of god now
i feel the eeling of certainty now and ic ana llow
the solution to present itel

i can allowt he solution o present

what wold i prefer
love and respect

feeling welcome in my own home
feeling welcome in my own home

i cast that burnde on the christ wthin

if you want to talk to me then
go ahead

if you want to apologize then go ahead

i know i am is all there is i know all
i am is all there is and i am allowing life
to flow

through me ia
am allowing goi am

i am allowing the god self i am
allowing the god self

i am allowing the god self i am allowing the god self
i am

allowing the god self i am allowing the god self ia m
turning attention on itself im a

turning attention on itself
i am
turning attention on itself

am turnitn attention o tiself

i do the work to feel good
id ot he

just choose how i want to feel and
feel lmy life change

i welcome prsence i welccome
and i know that

thats all thhere is

htat’s all there is that’s all there
i kno presence is all there is i nkow presence
s all
there is i know presence is all there is

is all there is is

all there is i know presece is all there is
i know presence is all there is

i know i can cast that burnde on christ i can
feel good now knowign that all of lfie
is working out for me

i can feel good nw knowing that all of life
is working out for me

i can feel god i can feel awareness

i canalways choose how i would prefer to feel
to have a good day