even though i don’t want to do this

i know that it always helps it alwas works and
it brings structure to mylife
at the vvery least it brings structure to my life
and helps me remembe that i have so much to be grateful for
that i am able

feel my power despit circumstantces
that i amnot in control of what happens but how i feel about it
i’m always

able to feel i’m always able to feel
and i knotice
that i’m feeling better and tat’s aok

i come here to feel the focus and i feel
the focus returning i come here to feel really

that’s all it really is i come here to feel
to feel through it to talk through it to proccess it
and to feel it and really i dont want to talk
much about my problems

more about how much i have to be grateful for
how i intend to open my eyese

to all that is right in front of me to be grateful
for i have so much to live for sso much to appreciation
so much to love so much
love to flow through me i have so much love

to give

i have so much love to give and that weil

will always be there so grateful i know
so grateful to be here to feel u t
up to this to feel the feeling of knowing that everything passes

it always passes
so grateful i know this so grateful i know this
that i get t

i can still feel good ic an still live
life goes on u
you pick up the pieces

i’m here and i feel the flow
i am i am i am i am

i am living it feels good to get back to the work the only
work and this is the work that matters to me this is
the only work and only when i’m doing this work

do i feel right to

do i feel in tuen wi

tune with life to

do i feel at ease i feel more at ease when i’m keeping
up with the work with the feeling work with the
focus fowrk t

with the remembering who ia m waork with the allowing work
with the feeling work i am allwed to feel it
i feel it

fullyi feel it fully

i’mhere doing thiw

this work and it feels good to be back

it feel sogod
good to be here and now it feels good to
be here and now it feels good it

feels good to be back to the work to who i am
to wo

who i am to living fully ic an stil live fully
and i know that i can up

put that love into everything in my life
i know that it happens to everyone and it

its just the way it is i know that life
is still going life still loves me
and my control in

is in my letting go in my allowing
in my allowing in my allowing

i’m here now doing the work
and for that i am proud

i’m here i’m alive and i am celebrating what i have
grateful for what i have

appreciating what ih ave every om

momnet appreciating what i have every oment
moment grateful for this day i get to live
grateful for this moment to appreciate

grateful for all i have to love
grateful for all i have to love that
there is so much to love

grateful there is so much to love

for so much to love so
grateful for

so much to love to love
so grateful for

so much to love
grateful to be back here doing this work
back here doing this work
back here doing this work

so grateful to be here to feel my resiliance
to have ways of coping of knowing that time always helas

heals knowing that i can always align with the other side of the
wave that i get to choose love and reverence no matter what

grateful to be here feeling good feeling the flow of well being v

feeling the flow of well being

feeling the flow
of well being feelign the flow feeling energized by life
so grateful to be here energized by life

grateful to be here doing the work
the only work the flow work the good work the
good feeling work and
so grateful that i get to feel good

so grateful i that i get to feel good
that i get to feelthis flow the god self

that i get to just be that i know hi

i hever have to do anything

beside just be

i’m here and i did it
i’m here i did the owrk
i did my writing and it feels good

just to feel all i can do is feel
and accept whatever is there
whatever comes as onl

long as i allow myself to feel and dont try to push it waas

aways i can do

ic an do anything i can feel it and its ok
i can feel it and its ok

i’m grateful for thet ime time we had all the
good times we had and i can
tell that i’m also nostalgic
for times gone
for how fast life goes for the years that flew by
where did they
go where did they god

i’m here and i did it and that’s all that matters
an di will always have her with me
the love she enabled me to feel

all the fun we had all the love we had
how she was my best friend

she always will be and i know it was me
that decided that
it was me that deiceed
decidded to give that and that was what
was tr

returned in now that
that i can give that love and devotion to anything in y

my life
to everything in my life and that is what i intend to do