i can do this i can

do this i can face my feelings i can face myself i can go
i actually feel pretty good today
and i’m accepting it i miss her so much
but as

sadly life goes on it just goes on three’s nothing
you can do besides accept it
so gratefult o feel good today
i can feel good and still miss her

i can miss her and still feel good

i can pick the work back up any time and
tis al

its always here its always the same
and i can still direct my love

she helped me learn how to direct my love she
helped me learn how to love she helped me
learn the capacity i have for love
she helped me

learn how to show that love
helped bring that love fother

i’m here and i feel good i allow myself to feel i allow myself
to feel and that’s all i can do

all i can do is allow myself to feel