focus and release the rest

it feels good to focus into the moment
the god self and release ther eset

the rest remembering that nothing
ever matters nothing ever matters and i can

relieve myself from the worry
from the wonder

i can always relieve myself from
the inner chatter the inner

darting around all day
the worry the wondering
the what ifs the


the judgements

i can release myself from all of
that and allow my energy to vibrate
more in tune with the natural

harmonic energy of the universe

there is a central energy
and that is in all of us

which animates us
and that energy is pure and always flowing through us

and when we feel bad
or mad or anxious

its becuase we’re not vibration
in tune with the nature,, pure


we are blocking the natural
pure energy from flowing

through us the way its mean tot

meant to

i know that i get to choose i know that
ig et to choose i nkow that
i get to chosoe i know
that i get to choose

i know that
i get to choose

i nkow that i get to chosoe

the vesion i prefer
but i dont have to create it

that’s not my job
i see it i want it

it happens thats all there
is and i can relax in that knowledge
it feels good tof ocus in
to focus in this knowledge it feels good to focus
in this knowledge

i love knowing this i love having the
knowledge to choose to let go of all resistance
to f

life flowing perfectly through me
i am brave enough to get out of the way and allow life
to flow perfectly through mei

i allow the raw energy of life
and i dont

dilute it i dont get in the
way of it with my wonders or my worries

i just choose knowing
i just choose the knowledge
that whatever happens is what happens

and that i never have to care either way

i never have to care either way

i never have to care i never have to care what happens
and i can always just love there here and now

the right now i can always just love the right now
i love the right now and everything that is

the pure energy is flowing through m e
and that’s my god self

my god self is the pure energy of life
that’s flowing through me

i love that i know everything is working out perfectly
i love that the flow is always flowing
i love that

the flow is always flowing and i never
have to allow anything

pinch off

my flow of well being

so grateful for the moment for the here and now
for the herea dnow
and now

to feel good and feel the pure energy
of life to be brave enough toa llow

to allow the pure energy of life to flow
through me

so grateful to feel the pureness of life
flow through me so grateful to feel good
so grateful to feel good to
feel the pure energy of life

to tune myself up to say yes thank you
to everything that is
it feels good to say yes thank you

to everything that is to trust everything that is
to dive into the floww to

to focus into the flow to focus into
the here and now and say thank u

it feels good to jump into life

feels good to jump into life it feels good

to jump into life
to jump

into the here and now
the here and now
the here and now


here and now it feels good to jump into life

it feels good to jump into life
it feels good to jump into
life it feels good to jump into life

so grateful to get out of the way
of life feel the feeling the feeling of relief
knowing that life is always

flowing perfectly through me
life is always flowing perfectly through me it

it feels good to love it feels good to love
it feels good to love

it feels good to release anything
that is not the pure vibrationa d

and know that is my right

that’s my right
to let go of everything and allow the
pure energy of life

the god self
to flow through me

thank you thank you thank you
i always expect the best in life i expect the best life

i love thatl ife is flowing htrough me i love that life
is flowing through me i love that

life is

flowing through me i love
feelign the god self within knowing that the god self

is always here and now i love

feeling and seeing the effects of my practice i love that
life is flowing through me i ilove t

i love that ther’s alway

always more
than enough i love thatl ife loves me i love that theres alays more

than enough i love that i feel good now
i feel the feeling

so grateful for this day
for the power of expectation that its

as easy as that
to change my whole life

i love that it’s easy to just make
choice to place my attention somewhere else

i know that life is unfolding
perfectly i know that life
is unfolding perfectly and i can let go of all the
energy that

blocks that perfect unfolding
and that energy

comes from resistance

from me trying to get int the
the way

to interfere with the natural
and magickal unfolding of life

and my only responsiblity

is to be aware of the magickal unfolding
my only responsibility

is to enjoy the magickal unfolding

to see it and enjoy it
to be aware of it
to observe it

and be aware of it

i am aware of the radiation of creative
energy which is continuously easily
and effortlessly pouring forth from my divine

i am now aware i am not in the flow