thank you

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank thank you thank you thank you thank you
thank you thank you thank you

thank you thank you thank you
so grateful to ask and it is given

i asked and it is given and i am
aware of what i am looking for aware of the version i’m creating
i love that life
responds with love i love that

when i act with love

life responds with love

thank you for this day thank you for this beautiful
day thank you for the flow flowing through me
thank you for the magick life
thank you

for the magick life thank you for teh magi

the magick life
thank you
for the

magick life flowing through me

i love that life is working out perfectly
i love that its a gooda da

day i love that i can

relax in the knowledge

i love that i can relax in the knowledge
i love that i can

relax in the knowledge

it feels good to feel tuned in tapped in turned on

to always come back to center
back to love i love that i can

celebrate love celebrate love
celebrate love

celebrate love

grateful to connect to know
that iget
get to choose ow i feel
grateful to choose love to choose

love in this here and now
to make a friend
instead of an enemy


i feel god flowing through me
and i’m so grateful for this day
for this here ;and

and now

for love

for knowing that everything always
flows perfectly

through me

time isn’t real
there’s only this here and now
right now i feel ove i feel the lof

the love of life
flowing through me
i feel the flo

love of life flowing through


so grateful i did something
to be proud of

i feel good i feel connected i feel knowing i feel knowing

i feel the knowledge

i feel the knowledge

i feel the knowledge


im knowing