grateful to feel good

for all the blessings in my life
for my proximity to god

my proximity to the knowledge that i am god

i love that i know i am god i love that
i get to feel the feeling of god i love

that god is me i love that i get to do the wrok
i love veeling

feeling inspired by my aret i love
cleaning up the landing i love
our place and that we get to say

stay i love feeling fit and strong
i love that i get to feel good

that life lovs me i love sht

that life loes me

i love that life is lfowing flwing
flowing through mei love that
i get to feel good and love life
i love that life

loves me i love feeling one with life
i love knoiwng that everything is in my favor
i love tapping in and feeling the
feeling of god the love og

of god i love that i am god i love that
i am god i love that
i am god i love that i know i am god

i love that i get to release everything to god right now
feel that feeling of totl s

total surrender

i get to feel that feeling
right now i get to

to feel he
the feeling right now

i feel connected to god i feel knowing i feel that
life is good i know that life is good

i know that

life is good i know that life loves me i

i know that life loves me i know htat

that life loves me i know that life
is good i know that i amg od i love

doing this work the only work the switch
work the
on the bus onw

work the on or off work t

its not a journey work
its not work work

its a switch its now work its a switch

i’m here to take this journey i’m here to
connect and that is my only

job here in life to connect with the god self to
feel the truth of the god self to feel myself filled up
with the god self
to see the

god in everything to know that god is in
everything to revere everything

to feel totally perfect in this here
and now allowing god to come through me
trusting whatever is
because god loves me

flipping the switch i’m for the
fitness of flipping the switch and

every time i practice flipping it
the muscle gets stronger
and it gers

gets easier to access the god version of my life

but i know that flipping the swithc
is my supply

being on the bus is my supply
and its all that matters is

how i feel is all that matters

grateful to do this work the feeling work the
feeling work the creating the life i want work

so grateful for the life i have to know that
i already have everything i need so

grateful to know to

feel good now to feel the
flow now to feel connected to god right now
to feel the energy of life so grateful
to feel the energy of god

to know its a switch to know its a switch
that i can always


the energy

steer the energy
that its all just an average of what i
pay attention to

to what i create and i take

responsibility for that

i love who i am i love where i am
i love my life right now

i knowing that life is the best its
ever been i lovee that i get
to appreciate right now i love

that i get to feel good now that i get to love
right now

that i’m on the bus right now i love
that i’m on the
bus right now that
i feel the

energy of life right now
i feel the

energy of life right now

i feel good right now

i am totally fulfilled ia m tota
i am totally fulfilled and

as long as i know that it is

whatever i decide to be true is true and
i can always make that choice

in an myom

moment in thien fi

the infinite how i

now i can oa

always switch to he
the god self i cana lways

always switch to the god self

when i am aware of the god self within me
as my total fulfillment

i am totally fulfilled
i am now aware of this truth

i have found the secret to life
and can relax in the knowledge

that the activity of divine abundance
is eternally operating in my life

i simply have to be aware of the flow
the radiation of creative

energy which iss con


easily and effortlessly

pouring forth from my divin consciouness

i am now aware
i am now in the

i simply have to be awre of the flow

the radiation of creative energy which is


easily and affor


pouring forth from
my divine consciousness

i am now aware
i am now in the flow

i love that i know the
secret to life
the magick of

of life i love feeling the
magick of life in every
single day i love
seeing it

everywhere i love that i see
evidence of god
wherever i look i love

that i see miracles wherever i look
i love that i feel the

feel connected with the god self
and kn

know i am already totally fulfilled

i am totally fulfilled.

i love that i’ve already made it
i love

that i’m already here i’m

already here i’m already god i’m already creating the
life i want

i love that it already is the way
i want it to be i love that
i love that i already have it

it already is the way i want it to be

i love that i’m already

totally fulfilled